White Before Your Eyes Explanation
What are our Materials Baking Soda - sodium bicarbonate NaHCO3 Cornstarch - starch from corn C27H48O20 Sugar - sucrose C12H22O11 Baking Powder - baking soda (leavening), cornstarch (thickening), cream of tartar (acid)
What are our Materials (part 2) Water H2O Vinegar - weak acetic acid C2H4O2 Idoine I2
Evidence of Chemical Changes Change of color Change of odor Formation of a gas Formation of a precipitate Change in heat or energy
3 Things to Remember The 5 evidences of chemical changes Iodine is a brown substance. Any shade of brown is not a color change. Going into solution is not a chemical change.
Table 2: Changes and Properties Mixed with Water Mixed with Vinegar Mixed with Iodine Substance Change Property Baking Powder Baking Soda Cornstarch Sugar
Table 2: Changes and Properties Mixed with Water Mixed with Vinegar Mixed with Iodine Substance Change Property Baking Powder chemical gas formed Baking Soda Cornstarch Sugar
Table 2: Changes and Properties Mixed with Water Mixed with Vinegar Mixed with Iodine Substance Change Property Baking Powder chemical gas formed color change Baking Soda Cornstarch Sugar
Table 2: Changes and Properties Mixed with Water Mixed with Vinegar Mixed with Iodine Substance Change Property Baking Powder chemical gas formed color change Baking Soda Cornstarch Sugar physical created a solution
Vinegar & Baking Soda NaHCO3 + HC2H3O2 → NaC2H3O2 + H2O + CO2 Baking Soda + Vinegar → Sodium acetate +water + carbon dioxide gas
Iodine & Cornstarch C27H48O20+ I2 → (I2 + I3) + C27H48O20