Trip to the Renaissance Festival Tuessday, March 5th
Date of Festival: Tuesday, March 5th Time Line of Day Date of Festival: Tuesday, March 5th Students need to be at school by the bell @ 8:25. Report directly to your 1st period class at the bell. No one enters the school before the morning bell. (We will load buses shortly after attendance and the announcements.) If your parent is a chaperone, they will need to check in at the table outside the orchestra doors by the upper parking lot, no later than 8:15. At the end of the day, all groups MUST be back on the bus no later than 2:00! Keep track of the time! Once we are back at school, you will do what you normally do after school; to go practice, after-hours, bike home, walk home, take the bus, or parent pick-up.
Basic Information What to wear: Please wear comfortable shoes (no sandals!) and bring a jacket. Sweatshirts are great! Plan on your shoes getting dirty, so don’t wear your favorite or newest ones. Wearing sunscreen is also recommended. Lunch: You may bring your own lunch but you will have to carry it yourself and the lunches may not be stored on the buses. Pack it in a small backpack or fanny pack and plan to carry it yourself. If you plan to buy your lunch or any snacks at the festival, plan on bringing at least $10-$15.00. Food and drinks are very expensive. The prices for these items start at $4.00 and go higher. (Last time we were there, the turkey legs were $7.) Treats such as dessert-type items sometimes are half-price at the end of the day, but that cannot be guaranteed. Rides & games: Rides and games cost extra and vary in price from $3 to $5. Bring extra money if you plan to do any of these.
Do’s and Don’ts No regular-sized backpacks should be brought to school. A small backpack/purse or fanny pack should be brought for carrying personal items such as your lunch, water bottle and sunscreen. If you must bring your regular sized backpack, empty it out EXCEPT for your key to get you in the house and anything else important. 2. Students and chaperones must be in the student’s classroom by the school bell at 8:25. Chaperones must also check in at the table by the orchestra doors, by the upper parking lot BEFORE coming up to their child’s room. We will load on the buses after the announcements. Students may NOT buy any real or pretend/toy weapons of any kind at the festival. Balloons are also not allowed. Every student must stay with their chaperone at all times. Your chaperone is your boss. Respect them! No eating or drinking on the bus, except for a water bottle. Cell phones may be used for emergencies only. No texting, calling, or using your phone as a camera or music device at the festival or on the bus. Your teacher will talk to you about what counts as an emergency----such as getting separated from your group. getting separated from your group.
Renaissance Festival Rules **Most of the shows are not sound amplified. It is very important that students follow these show-watching rules.** If you are watching a show, pay attention to that show. Do not talk to your friends. Be a good audience member and use common courtesy, which means being polite. Anyone found being disrespectful to the performers or any workers will be escorted off the site by festival safety services and face school consequences. Anyone being disrespectful to anyone in their group or any other students or people at the festival will be taken to a teacher for consequences and will lose the opportunity to remain with their group. Once back at school you will be referred to Mr. Martin. Please remember that performers and festival workers are people just like you. Treat them just as you would like to be treated. (Remember the Golden Rule!)
What Will We Do There? There are two major demonstrations that we want each student to see. One is a recreation of a jousting tournament, with knights in armor performing on horseback. This takes place in the King’s Arena and is included in your ticket price. Shows are at 11:00 and noon. The second demonstration is the Birds of Prey Exhibition, which demonstrates the ancient art of ‘falconry.’ This is also included in your ticket price. This show is at 10 a.m. The festival has games and rides too, the average cost of which range between $3.00 or more. Plan to have extra money with you if you want to participate in these. There are also many other interesting demonstrations done by the ‘village artisans’ that bring the Renaissance period to life. These are included in your ticket.
Background on the Renaissance Renaissance refers to a period of history which began around the 1470’s. (the late 15th Century) The word Renaissance means “re-birth” or “new beginning.” It is called this, because it followed a very difficult and bleak time period called the Middle Ages or Dark Ages, when there were severe famines and horrific plagues that caused many deaths across Europe. So the ‘re-birth’ or ‘new beginning’ refers to the end of the Middle Ages/Dark Ages and all its problems, and a rebirth to the Renaissance. The Renaissance was a time period of much creativity in the arts and advancements in the sciences.
Basics about Life During the Renaissance During the Dark Ages---BEFORE the Renaissance, there were only two main social classes – the few wealthy nobles and the many poor peasants who worked the noble’s land. However, during the Renaissance, a new middle-class of people grew which included many artisans who had special skills or crafts, such as blacksmiths and leather workers. Merchants, who sold their crafts were also part of this new middle class. Village market days usually occurred once a week, where people could buy or sell farm produce or crafts made by the skilled workers/artisans. You will see many market stalls at the Renaissance Festival. Bartering (the exchanging of goods) was very common.
The Renaissance Festival’s Background Imagine you are stepping back in time to the 16th century, to an English village called “Fairhaven.” The King, Queen, and royal family are taking a royal tour of their kingdom and stop to spend a few days in your village of Fairhaven. The Lord and Lady (nobles) of Fairhaven have requested the villagers provide entertainment, crafts, music, and food for a festival in celebration of the royal family’s visit. The jousting tournament and other activities are held to honor and entertain the royal family.
Recap Show up to school on time. DO NOT BE TARDY! Everyone follows the rules and stays with their assigned group. Bring money to purchase your lunch or carry your own lunch with you all day. Food items can be expensive. Wear comfortable shoes; no sandals. Bring a bottle of water. Your chaperone is your boss. Listen to everything he/she says to you and always be polite and respectful. Do not ask them for money. You are representing yourself, your family, your pod, and your school. Be on your best behavior and follow the directions and decisions of your chaperone. Lastly, do not forget your entire group must be back ON the bus by 2:00.