ASL 1-Have you signed up on the sheet. If not, please do so ASL 1-Have you signed up on the sheet? If not, please do so! Then-Doorbuster: self-check Please copy 1-3, then fill in purple blanks below: 1. “Introducing Yourself” exam: I earned a ___ grade OR my appointment to sign it is ___________. 2. My music video song is ___________. I filmed it on _____ OR I have signed up to video it ________. 3. I (do/do not) have my own copy of our music video gloss (if not, I will get one/create one today). Finished? Begin practicing your gloss, or video songs. I have passes for the hall --- Hallway requirements: must have your gloss and pass out and visible. Music with earbuds or very soft. Soft voices if needed.
ASL 2-Have you signed up on the sheet. If not, please do so ASL 2-Have you signed up on the sheet? If not, please do so! Then-Doorbuster: self-check Please copy 1-3, then fill in purple blanks below: 1. “Room” exam: I earned a ___ grade OR my appointment to sign it is ___________. 2. My music video song is ___________. I filmed it on _____ OR I have signed up to video it ________. 3. I (do/do not) have my own copy of our music video gloss (if not, I will get one/create one today). Finished? Begin practicing your gloss, or video songs. I have passes for the hall --- Hallway requirements: must have your gloss and pass out and visible. Music with earbuds or very soft. Soft voices if needed.
ASL 3- Doorbuster (5 min.): Find someone who-- Wants to go to college in Texas Wants to go to college outside of Texas Knows their college major (what they want to study) Idiom vocabulary list- sign once with Dr. Weast Children’s story time- ready to video? Need gloss help? Remember facial expressions and emotions!!! Do you sign at least one of EACH expansion technique in your story?