The Crucible Act I Vocabulary
Abominations (n.) Things that cause great dislike; disgusting things
Anarchy (n.) Political disorder; lawlessness
Ascertain (v.) To find out; detect
Bemused (v.) Confused
Bewildered (v.) Confused
Conjured (v.) Summoned by oath or spell
Contention (n.) Heated disagreement
Defamation (n.) The action of damaging someone’s good reputation; slander
Diabolism (n.) Witchcraft; sorcery
Ecstatic (adj.) Extremely excited
Evade (v.) To escape or avoid
Faction (n.) Small group within a larger group
Formidable (adj.) Causing fear through being large, powerful, or intense
Hypocrites (n.) People who claim to believe in certain morals or values whose actions show otherwise
Inert (adj.) Unable to move or act
Licentious (adj.) Unrestrained by law or morality
Notorious (adj.) Known for something bad
Partisan (n.) A strong supporter of a party, cause, or person
Quail (v.) To lose courage; to decline; to fail
Sniveling (v.) Whining
Subservient (adj.) Prepared to obey others
Titillated (v.) Stimulate or excite
Trepidation (n.) Feeling of fear about something that may happen