Benoit Souquet, Valérie Doye  Developmental Cell 


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Presentation transcript:

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Figure 1 Roles of AHs in Basket Nups Vertebrate Nup153 and its S. cerevisiae counterparts, Nup1 and Nup60, contain AHs that bind lipid membranes in vitro and in vivo. (A) Nup153/Nup1/Nup60 interact with karyopherins (transportin, Kap60/Kap95, and Kap123, respectively). (B) AHs contribute to the efficient localization of these Nups to the nuclear basket, where, along with transmembrane- and other AH-containing-Nups, they may be implicated in the stabilization of the highly curved pore membrane. (C) The membrane-remodeling properties of Nup153/Nup1/Nup60 AHs may be required, along with other NE-shaping proteins (Nup53 and reticulons), for early stages of NPC biogenesis. (D) Vertebrate Nup153 directly interacts with the Y complex that also features an AH in its Nup133 subunit. Nup153-AH contributes to Y-complex targeting to the inner nuclear membrane (INM), which is in turn critical for de novo NPC assembly. ONM, outer nuclear membrane. Developmental Cell 2015 33, 626-628DOI: (10.1016/j.devcel.2015.06.009) Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. Terms and Conditions