Status of work in grid event production


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Presentation transcript:

Status of work in grid event production Peter Kodyš + Pavel Řezníček For b-physics meeting @ May 05, 2005 b-physics meeting 5/03, 2005, Peter Kodys

b-physics meeting 3/21, 2005, Peter Kodys Status Running: bphys.018900.simul+digit.Lambdab_mumu_Lambda bphys.017901.simul+digit.Bd_mu6mu4_K0star bphys.017902.simul+digit.Bs_mu6mu4_phi Problems: Unstable working PoolFileCatalog registration Efficiency: 11 - 16% submitions find source file !!! Comment: More than 20 000 submitions per 16 days Only 227kEvents (2270 jobs) done Yield ~ 11% Problem is solving with: Pavel, Alessandro, James Prague Site “golias”: Jiri Chudoba, Jiri Kosina, Jan Svec b-physics meeting 3/21, 2005, Peter Kodys

b-physics meeting 3/21, 2005, Peter Kodys

b-physics meeting 3/21, 2005, Peter Kodys

b-physics meeting 3/21, 2005, Peter Kodys