Exercise – Site Identification (1 of 2) Examine hourly time-series plot(s) of different pollutants that show differences between rural and urban sites, mountain and valley sites, coastal and inland sites, or other different processes. Time: 20 minutes Section 8 Exercise
Exercise – Site Identification (2 of 2) Instructions: Identify which sites are urban and which are rural, and state why. Section 8 Exercise
Identify Urban and Rural Sites Hourly ozone in the Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA Section 8 Exercise
Identify Mountain and Valley Sites Hourly ozone data 30 May 2006 Section 8 Exercise
Identify Mountain and Valley Sites 60-day averaged hourly ozone data Section 8 Exercise
Data Averages 1-day of data Section 8 Exercise
Data Averages Average of days with maximum ozone less than 70 ppb Section 8 Exercise
Data Averages Average of days with maximum ozone less than 100 ppb Section 8 Exercise
Identify Ozone, NO, NO2, & NOx Profiles 60-day averaged of data 60-day averaged hourly data Section 8 Exercise
Identify CO, PM2.5, and PM10 Profiles 60-day averaged of data 60-day averaged hourly data Section 8 Exercise