Financial Management of Subnational Governments in Nepal
Overall Financial Management in Nepal Constitution of Nepal Federal Consolidated Fund Province Consolidated Fund Local Consolidated Fund Financial Administration Section Central Level Accounting Ministrires and Department Ministries and Departments Local Government Operating Agencies, Field Offices, Projects Operational Accounting
Reporting of Federal and SNG’s Accounts Federal Reporting Reporting from executing offices to Supervisor Office & DTCO DTCO Reports to FCGO & respective departments MDA’s prepare agency-wise consolidated financial statement & report to FCGO FCGO consolidates the reports from DTCO and central agencies FCGO submits the final report to OAG. ICT based Systems are in place SNG’s Reporting Reporting from Local governments to DTCO and Province FCGO DTCO Reports to PFCGO PFCGO prepare consolidated financial statement & MOEAP and FCGO FCGO consolidates and Prepares General Government Reporting FCGO submits/Publish the final report to OAG. ICT Based system are being developed
Reporting of Operational level of all 3 level Monthly Reporting Statement of Expenditure (OAG 13, 213) Details of Advance Amount (OAG 14) Bank Reconciliation Statement (OAG 15) Monthly Statement of Revenue (OAG 9) Monthly Statement of Retention (OAG 19) Statements of other funds Annual Reporting Financial Statements of Expenditure (OAG 17, 208) Financial Statements of Revenue (OAG 193) Financial Statement of Retention (OAG 194) Annual report of assets (OAG 57) Summary annual progress report Annual reports of other funds
Fund Flow inter-linkage in Federal System MOF/ FCGO Central Bank Province Province Treasury Comptroller District Treasury Comptroller office Federal Govt. Trans. Bank Province Govt. Trans. Bank Provincial Unit Federal Unit Local Level Local Govt. Office Office under Province District Offices under Federal Govt.
Federal Financial Management Budget Approval Authorization Program Execution Journal Voucher & Ledgers Payee information entry Payment Order Preparation DTCO MoF FCGO Cheque issue Customer/Payee LMBIS CGAS/FMIS TSA Bank E-Payment BMIS RMIS RAS IRD OAG Forms SPENDING UNITS MDA’s Parliament /PAC OAGN Internal Audit Final Audit Disclosure of Financial Statements Compliance with Financial Acts, norms and standards Contract
Treasury Operations of Province and Local Government Consolidated Fund Treasury Management System Revenue A/C Expenditure A/C Other A/C’s Capital A/C Recurrent A/C Other Special Funds Regular Expenses Employee welfare fund, Disaster recovery fund, Maintenance fund etc.