Proposal for part B1, Table B1-6 and B1-7 from IMMA
EPPR-21-20 part B1, Clause no 7.2 Table B1-6: Need to cover DF factor India proposal 4 in EPPR-22-05 * * IMMA proposal Note: When the type approval test is done on a new vehicle(i.e. run in), the limits are applying DF i.e. the test results are to be multiplied by DF For PI engined vehicles for CO is 1.3, THC is 1.3, NMHC is 1.3 , NOx is 1.3 and PM is 1.0. For CI engined vehicles for CO is 1.3, THC is 1.1, NMHC is 1.1 , NOx is 1.1 and PM is 1.0.
Limits (mg/km) for PI Engines EPPR-21-20 part B1, Clause no 7.3 ,Table B1-7 Alternate performance requirement: This requirement is only for PI engines Table need to be corrected to clarify DF application Sub-Class Limits (mg/km) for PI Engines CO HC NOx HC+NOx Alt A (3) Alt B(4) Alt C(5) Alt A(1) (3) 1 1,403 1,140 2,620 NA 380 750 390 70 170 790 2-1(2) 2-2 1,970 340 670 3 330 200 90 220 400 Notes: (1) For BS-IV, there is an option to comply with evaporative emission norm of 6g/test (instead of 2g/test) HC+NOx norms to be tighten by 200mg/km from the values given in table. (2) Applicable parts of driving cycle for BS-IV are part 1 RS cold and part 1 RS hot, as against Euro 4, part 1 RS cold and part 2 RS hot. (3) Alt A limits have DF already built-in (DF for CO is 1.2 , NOx is 1.2 & HC+NOx is 1.2). (4) When the type approval test is done on a new vehicle (i.e. run in) Alt B limits are applying DF, i.e. the test values are to be multiplied by DF (DF values for CO is 1.3, HC is 1.2 & NOx is 1.2) and the results have to be below the limit values in the above table (5) For Alt C limits, DF are not applicable