The Great Battle For The Soul Identifying & Defeating Sin As An Enemy
The Great Battle For The Soul Lesson #7 Ù Eternal Life… Sin’s Ultimate Defeat
On Earth – Sin Is Deadly Rom 6:20-23 Whatever kind of life one lives, it “bears fruit” vv. 21-22 Living in or for sin “bears fruit” unto death That’s why such conduct should bring shame Set free from sin…living for God “bears fruit” unto holiness, results in everlasting life
In Heaven – Sin Is Defeated Rom 2:5-11 “Eternal Life” is more than eternal existence Both the righteous & unrighteous will exist eternally somewhere Mk 9:43-44 Lk 16:23ff Sin produces hard, impenitent hearts v. 5 Such a life “stores up” God’s wrath A banking term Ù depositing cp. Mt 6:19
In Heaven – Sin Is Defeated Rom 2:5-11 Sin produces hard, impenitent hearts v. 5 Such ones will suffer indignation, wrath, tribulation and anguish v. 9 What they “store up” will be suffered for all eternity cp. Mt 10:28 A terrifying thought…it is meant to be!! cp. Heb 10:30-31
In Heaven – Sin Is Defeated Rom 2:5-11 By contrast, those who have “patiently continued in doing good” will get to enjoy eternal life v. 7 Faithfulness, steadfastness is emphasized Contrasted with those who are “self-seekers” v. 8
In Heaven – Sin Is Defeated Rom 2:5-11 By contrast, those who have “patiently continued in doing good” will get to enjoy eternal life v. 7 Four aspects of eternal life that illustrate sin’s ultimate defeat vv. 7, 10
In Heaven – Sin Is Defeated Rom 2:5-11 Four aspects of eternal life that illustrate sin’s ultimate defeat vv. 7, 10 GLORY Praiseworthiness, something of excellence The exalting from God because of faithfulness cp. 2 Pet 1:17
In Heaven – Sin Is Defeated Rom 2:5-11 Four aspects of eternal life that illustrate sin’s ultimate defeat vv. 7, 10 GLORY “Glory” is ours if we persevere 2 Cor 4:16-18 On earth, glory is not found…man’s “glory” is at best a cheap imitation Ù he has to invent ways to be “glorified” Mt 6:2, 5, 7, 16
In Heaven – Sin Is Defeated Rom 2:5-11 Four aspects of eternal life that illustrate sin’s ultimate defeat vv. 7, 10 HONOR High esteem, high regard (e.g. Honor Roll) Not self-honor, but from God cp. Jn 8:54 The “honor” of being confessed by Christ if we are faithful Mt 10:32
In Heaven – Sin Is Defeated Rom 2:5-11 Four aspects of eternal life that illustrate sin’s ultimate defeat vv. 7, 10 HONOR On earth, we will not find any honor All we receive for trying to live faithful to God is reproach & slander 1 Pet 4:4 2 Tim 3:12
In Heaven – Sin Is Defeated Rom 2:5-11 Four aspects of eternal life that illustrate sin’s ultimate defeat vv. 7, 10 IMMORTALITY Eternal living; incorruptibility of the faithful Made possible only because of Christ’s death and resurrection 1 Cor 15:51-58
In Heaven – Sin Is Defeated Rom 2:5-11 Four aspects of eternal life that illustrate sin’s ultimate defeat vv. 7, 10 IMMORTALITY On earth, we are always being reminded of our mortality Mortality and eventual decay brought about by sin Gen 3:19 2 Cor 4:16
In Heaven – Sin Is Defeated Rom 2:5-11 Four aspects of eternal life that illustrate sin’s ultimate defeat vv. 7, 10 PEACE Tranquility, calmness, serenity Life is indeed wearisome…as we get older, we long for quiet, tranquil moments
In Heaven – Sin Is Defeated Rom 2:5-11 Four aspects of eternal life that illustrate sin’s ultimate defeat vv. 7, 10 PEACE Life’s wearisome pace makes it hard to find, enjoy peace If people hate you, they drive you crazy If people like you, they drive you crazy
In Heaven – Sin Is Defeated Rom 2:5-11 Four aspects of eternal life that illustrate sin’s ultimate defeat vv. 7, 10 PEACE God’s “peace” surpasses all understanding Phil 4:7 The Lord desires His people to be at peace Jn 14:27 16:33
In Heaven – Sin Is Defeated Rom 2:5-11 Four aspects of eternal life that illustrate sin’s ultimate defeat vv. 7, 10 PEACE On earth, we won’t have peace…we have constant friction with those who choose not to live by God’s word Rom 8:6 Especially true re: family Mt 10:34-39
Conclusion Remember…God will “render to each one according to his deeds” Rom 2:7 Some will receive eternal life Not because they have earned it Only because He is gracious to those “…who by patient continuance in doing good seek for glory, honor, and immortality”
Conclusion Remember…God will “render to each one according to his deeds” Rom 2:7 Some will receive eternal indignation & wrath Not because God never liked them anyway He always loved them Jn 3:16 But because they were “…selfishly ambitious and did not obey the truth”
Conclusion Remember…God will “render to each one according to his deeds” Rom 2:7 Some will receive eternal indignation & wrath God was forced to “give them up” to their sinful choices Rom 1:24, 26, 28
Conclusion We want to go to that place where we’ll never again be bothered by sin To get there, we must fight here Once we get there, sin will have been ultimately, finally, & definitely defeated
Conclusion Don’t you want to go there, forever knowing that you defeated sin? Wouldn’t you prefer this to the place where you’ll be painfully reminded forever that you failed? Lk 16:28 Eternal Life is sin’s ultimate defeat