on the definitions of OBD2 gtr Japan’s proposal on the definitions of OBD2 gtr 20/Mar/ 2017 JAPAN AUTOMOBILE STANDARDS INTERNATIONALIZATION CENTER http://www.jasic.org
Japan agrees to the IMMA proposal of EPPR 22-20 in general. Japan’s proposal Japan agrees to the IMMA proposal of EPPR 22-20 in general. However, Japan proposes to reserve definitions of following terms. 1. Significant reduction of propulsion torque 2. Permanent default mode 3. Malfunction 4. Access to OBD 5. Limp-home Definition of these terms relates to functional safety. Japan proposes to decide these definitions after the completion of relating text. 6. Useful life Japan proposes to wait for the discussion of four-wheeler in order to align with the definition of four-wheeler.