A career in eyecare A guide for school students (aged 12 or above) Association of British Dispensing Opticians
Careers in eyecare Optometrist Optician Contact Lens Optician Low Vision Optician Optical assistant Optical technician Ophthalmologist Orthoptist Ophthalmic nurse Eye care liaison officer Association of British Dispensing Opticians
What’s the difference? So what is the difference between an optometrist and an optician? Association of British Dispensing Opticians Association of British Dispensing Opticians
Dispensing optician – career prospects Average salary £26,000 Training salary minimum wage (plus) Opticians with further training / qualifications improve their salary potential considerably Many opticians are involved in management Other roles include training, education, sales, marketing and professional services within the industry You can own your own business or open a joint venture partnership or franchise Association of British Dispensing Opticians
Ophthalmic dispensing study options Full time FD (2 year) and BSc (3 year) courses available at Anglia Ruskin, Bradford, City, Glasgow Caledonian universities Entry requirements 2-3 A Levels average grades Most common route is through blended learning via ABDO College - involving block release, distance learning assignments, in-practice supervision and exams through ABDO Level 6 Diploma, Foundation Degree and BSc (Hons) options Entry requirements: 5 GCSEs (grade C or above) including maths, English and a science subject Full time job with sponsor / employer Day release options also available eg City & Islington College, Bradford College Association of British Dispensing Opticians
Dispensing optician Qualification = distinguishing letters FBDO Registration with the General Optical Council Partially deregulated profession Must be dispensed by a registered optician: People with complex prescription needs are advised to be Blind (severely sight impaired) Partially sighted patients (sight impaired) Children Association of British Dispensing Opticians
Optometrist Formerly called ophthalmic opticians Examine eyes, give advice on visual problems May prescribe and fit spectacles and contact lenses Refer patients with eye disease to medics Co-manage patients with eye problems With additional training can prescribe ophthalmic drugs and treat common eye conditions without need to refer Association of British Dispensing Opticians
Optometry Most optometrists work in high street practice Others work in hospitals or research departments Some optometrists are involved in management, professional services roles in industry, training and education With the aging population and new treatments for eye disease putting pressure on the NHS optometry is expanding into roles traditionally the domain of ophthalmologists Association of British Dispensing Opticians
Qualifying in optometry Three A Levels including maths and physics or biology Typical offer between BBB and AAA. Lower offers to applicants with work experience Degree in optometry from Anglia, Aston, Bradford, Cardiff, City, Coleraine, Manchester, Plymouth, Glasgow (4 Years) After obtaining a degree must then do pre-registration period and professional exams Association of British Dispensing Opticians
Career prospects as an optometrist Salaries and opportunities are greater in areas away from the main training universities Pre-registration year: minimum wage (plus) Newly qualified: £19k to £28k • Experienced: £30k to £55k Own business / practice / partnership ? Sociable hours and part-time opportunities make optometry attractive Association of British Dispensing Opticians
Careers related to optics Ophthalmologist A medical doctor specialising in treating eye conditions and eye surgery Orthoptist Works alongside ophthalmologist assessing and treating squints, double vision and other anomalies of binocular vision Ophthalmic nurse Specialist nurse who assists ophthalmologists in the care of their patients Association of British Dispensing Opticians
Useful websites and resources www.college-optometrists.org www.abdo.org.uk www.newdimensioninoptics.org www.prospects.ac.uk Association of British Dispensing Opticians
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