WTP THANK YOU! I would like to extend a warm welcome to each of you and thank-you for attending this Patient Review Group meeting Can I introduce my colleague Mike Vyvyan What Mike and I want to share with you tonight are details of a positive development that will bring about improved services for YOU our patients You will have the opportunity to ask questions, which we will try to answer as frankly as possible I hope at the end of this meeting you will agree with me that what we are working on will bring long term healthcare benefits to all our Patients Following this meeting we would invite you to help us in a series of events to make Patients aware of the changes ahead
WTP THE REALITY I have been working in the NHS and General Practice for 11 years I have seen many improvements in General Practice that have contributed to most people living healthier lives and living for longer I have also experienced the increase in the demands and pressures being put on what we now call Primary care - for example: We have had a significant increase of elderly patients many of whom have multiple chronic diseases that need monitoring and managing Younger people are often more aware of health issues and often want lifestyle advice Many more people, of all ages, experience the stress of modern day living and require emotional support or treatment for mental health issues Patients are rightly encouraged to see their GP if they have a concern about cancer People hear or read about the adverse affects of a medication or treatment and come looking for explanations or reassurance People are promptly discharged from hospital and then need continuing care from their GP Practice
WTP THE REALITY You will have heard for yourself that recruiting new GPs is extremely difficult and securing the services of highly qualified/experienced nurses is also becoming challenging – this is a real day-to-day concern for this practice All this is happening while Practices are being challenged to do more with less NHS England wants GP practices to provide: better access for patients – open longer and provide some services at weekends some services that are currently only available at a hospital – e.g. selected outpatient clinics new services using on-line technologies – so more patients can be seen quicker and in a shorter period of time
WTP THE REALITY As an employer in a caring sector I also cannot overlook the impact on staff who are all too often stretched by the increasing demands placed on them No GP Practice today can ignore these pressures or challenges Each Practice needs to look positively at how it can be more efficient and effective Above all we need to examine how we can best serve our Patients and deliver the highest standard of care, now and in the future We may find change difficult, it is something that we are inclined to resist, but the situation we face in General Practice must change for the sake of YOU our Patients
WTP A DECISION Over the past months several Practices in the Town Centre of Scarborough have been meeting together to consider the current reality and how we should respond We have made a decision………. From April 2018 – Falsgrave, Belgave, Peasholm and Prospect Road surgeries will merge to operate as a single organisation This will result in a Practice of 30,000 plus Patients and give us the opportunity to develop new services and approaches to looking after YOU, our Patients
CHANGES THAT YOU WILL NOTICE WTP CHANGES THAT YOU WILL NOTICE Some immediate changes – new name, different telephone numbers, longer opening hours, some weekend appointments, new services Some things will remain the same – three premises, same staff, same level of care. Longer term – a team approach to delivering your care – improved assistance to ensure you see the most appropriate clinician - more clinical staff – improved chronic disease clinics (fewer visits to the surgery) - some outpatients clinics on our premises – a greater focus on supporting Patients to manage their health conditions, where appropriate.
CHANGES YOU MAY NOT IMMEDIATELY NOTICE WTP CHANGES YOU MAY NOT IMMEDIATELY NOTICE A different management structure – to improve the way we do things A greater emphasis on staff training – for all staff An increased focus on improving services for Patients and introducing new ones – a dedicated manager Our improved ability to recruit Doctors and Nurses – a forward thinking organisation Improved long term sustainability – shared resources Our increased ability to influence the direction of Healthcare provision in Scarborough – a voice to be heard
WTP YOUR HELP PLEASE As it has been explained to you I am assisting the Practices with the Merger process I would like to meet with you as a group in 4 weeks time I want to involve you and ask for your help in informing other Patients One thing I will be asking your help with, is choosing an appropriate name – we will have suggestions for you to choose from Our concern is to ensure the merger is positive for ALL patients and I believe this is where you have a key role to play