How Law is related to Engineering Law For Engineers
Law for Engineers In India the role of the law is to safeguard individual freedoms and societal rights. Engineering Law provides soon-to-be engineers with an introductory understanding of the legal framework under which they will work. This field aims to explain how law interacts with industry and technical/engineering professionals. The objective of this course is to make our young budding inventors understand the significance of law and legal system in their professional life and how a corporate legal framework should be adopted.
Why study Law? Why does an engineer need to understand the law? The aim of this programme is to provide engineers with an understanding of the fundamental legal issues they need to be aware of. This programme will provide engineers with a practical insight into the current trends in engineering litigation in India and the basics of law.
Another example of the importance of understanding the law is the nature of an engineer’s professional responsibility. Alone of the licensed learned professions, the engineer’s first obligation is to the public. Thus, understanding their accountability is of great significance. Unlike USA, India doesn’t have a legislation to deal with exclusively with engineering profession. The concept of engineering professionalism is codified in each state of USA. Under the Texas Act, only licensed engineers can "practice engineering" or even use the word "engineer" to identify themselves.
Texas Engineering Practice Act (USA) " The legislature recognizes the vital impact that the rapid advance of knowledge of the mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences as applied in the practice of engineering has on the lives, property, economy, and security of state residents and the national defense. The purpose of this Act is to: protect the public health, safety, and welfare; enable the state and the public to identify persons authorized to practice engineering in the state; and fix responsibility for work done or services or acts performed in the practice of engineering.
The legislature intends that: only a person licensed under this Act only may: engage in the practice of engineering; be represented in any way as any kind of "engineer"; or make any professional use of the term "engineer"; and this chapter will be strictly complied with and enforced. As described above, the professional responsibilities of engineers should be defined by law. A better understanding of the law and the legal system would help the engineers to help the society and its individual members achieve a batter life.
Laws engineers should know Indian Legal system an overview; Fundamental rights and duties guaranteed by constitution of India; Contract Law and different contracts dealing with engineers; How can they protect their inventions, creations, designs, trademarks etc. with the help of Laws dealing with Intellectual property Rights; Cyber law including IT Act, Cyber crimes and punishments and importance of e-commerce and e-governance; Environmental Laws; Labour laws; Criminal Law ( Offences and punishments, Role of engineers in Investigation of crime-Forensic Engineering) Tort Law and ethics( Liability of an engineer for tortious acts). Role of ADR in Engineering profession
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