The Colonies Fight for their Rights Chapter 2 Section 1 The Colonies Fight for their Rights
I) French and Indian War 1754-1763 Fighting for Ohio River Valley British ask colonies to help fight French gain edge, British cut off supplies/soldiers to America Iroquois realize British will win, persuade Native Americans to stop French lose support, sign treaty
II) Royal proclamation of 1763 Colonists want land for helping in war Native Americans (Chief Pontiac) want land King George III issues proclamation Stabilize relations with Native Americans, hurt relations with colonists
Why would the Proclamation of 1763 upset the colonists? Partner Discussion Why would the Proclamation of 1763 upset the colonists?
III) Sugar Act England raises taxes on sugar and molasses Starts to tax silk, wine, coffee, and indigo Colonists say Act hurts trade Start to smuggle (sneak in) goods Get caught If British catch, take goods away Colonists: “No Taxation without Representation” Colonists have no say in government Can’t charge money if we don’t have vote
IV) Stamp Act of 1765 First direct tax on colonists Colonists say only they can tax selves Stamp Act Congress Representatives meet First time colonies act as one Colonist boycott British goods British stop Stamp Act
What did the colonists learn from the Stamp Act? Partner Discussion What did the colonists learn from the Stamp Act?
V) Townshend Acts of 1767 British needs more money Charles Townshend creates more taxes Glass, lead, paper, tea and paint Punish smuggles Help governors Colonies Resist E) British send troops to Boston
What will happen with British troops in Boston? Partner Discussion What will happen with British troops in Boston?
VI) Boston Massacre (Incident on King Street) March 5, 1770 Mob forms Soldiers upset, shoot: Kill 5 Injure 6 Governor: clears crowd 8 soldiers arrested Charged with murder 6 acquitted 2 convicted Raises tension between colonies and British
How do you think the colonists feel right now? Partner Discussion How do you think the colonists feel right now?