Lawmakers are People Too (Picked by other people… to represent the will of… you guessed it… the people!) TEXT I removed the image as it may be too “heteronormative” This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC
What do you have in common? What do you know about him/her? The Power of Influence What do you have in common? Constituent [you live in the same community] What do you know about him/her? Top Interests Top Influencers Community involvement Who you do know that they know? What might they need (to know)? You can’t be an expert at everything.
Information Discovery Doing Your Homework Pathways of Influence A way to uncover connections Helps build a strategy for influencing Information Discovery Google Social Media Websites Legislature Website Other Websites (Board of Elections, etc.)
Here’s an example from Idaho! Scott Bedke Speaker of the House
Do your own pathways of influence research Try it Out Do your own pathways of influence research
Sharing What did you learn? What surprised you? How do you think you can use this?
[Non-lobbying efforts] It’s Time to Educate [Non-lobbying efforts]
Non-lobbying Activities Become the go-to resource on this issue Engage other community partners and individuals Offer a field trip Meet in-district Educate via media/social media Meet at the legislature What are your ideas?
Preparations Determine attendees Sharing your story
Elements of a Non-lobbying Legislative Meeting Welcome and Introductions Share your issue and story Ask open ended questions (take notes) Assess needs Give leave behind Close with a thank you (collect business cards) Next step: send a thank you note and follow up issue information