ETSI TC RRS (Reconfigurable Radio Systems) Document No: GSC(14)18_038 (for information) Source: ETSI Contact: Markus Mueck, Chairman TC RRS Agenda Item: 7.8 ETSI TC RRS (Reconfigurable Radio Systems) Activities related to M2M/IoT and Public Safety/Security Communications Dr. Markus Mueck, Chairman TC RRS
Overview Overview: ETSI TC RRS (Reconfigurable Radio Systems) ETSI TC RRS Activities related to TVWS – with specific relevance to M2M/IoT ETSI TC RRS Activities related to Public Safety/Security Communications – with relevance to EC Mandate M/512 Conclusions
Introduction of ETSI TC RRS JTFER ETSI TC RRS Markus Mueck (Intel) WG1: RRS System Aspects Martino Freda (Interdigital Comm.) WG2: Reconfigurable Radio Equipment Architecture Seungwon Choi (Hanyang University) WG3: RRS Security, Certification and Declaration of Conformity Markus Mueck (Intel) WG4: Civil Security and Inter-Domain Synergies Jamshid Khun-Jush (Qualcomm) System, Spectrum, etc. MD Flexibility Enablers Inter-Domain The committee has focused on the RRS encompassing both SDR and CR. The committee’s activities include studies on the feasibility of RRS standardization, collecting and defining RRS requirements, identifying gaps where existing standards do not fulfill those requirements and proposing solutions to fill those gaps. On average, 35 ETSI members attend the RRS meeting (Plenaries and/or WG meetings)
TWVS Activities - M2M / IoT ETSI TC RRS maintains a number of activities related to TVWS comple- menting the Harmonised Standard EN 301 598 The Activities are targeting generic applications of TVWS systems, but they are expected to be in particular relevant for M2M / IoT type applications. ETSI TR 102 907: “Reconfigurable Radio Systems (RRS); Use cases for Operation in White Space Frequency Bands” introduces key Use Cases Draft ETSI TS 103 145: “Reconfigurable Radio Systems (RRS); System Architecture and High Level Procedures for Coordinated and Uncoordinated Use of TV White Spaces” details the system level design.
Example: Coordinated Silencing TWVS Activities - M2M / IoT ETSI TR 103 067: “Reconfigurable Radio Systems (RRS); Feasibility study on Radio Frequency (RF) performance for Cognitive Radio Systems operating in UHF TV band White Spaces” provide specific tools including sensing approach, protection through coordination, etc. ETSI TS 103 143: “Reconfigurable Radio Systems (RRS); System architecture for information exchange between different Geo-location Databases (GLDBs) enabling the operation of White Space Devices (WSDs)” introduce inter-database communication mechanisms. Example: Coordinated Silencing
Public Safety/Security Communications ETSI TC RRS addresses Synergies between Commercial, Public Safety and Military Systems in the context of a Feasibility Study – following EC Mandate M/512 on Reconfigurable Radio Systems The Objective is to proceed in 3 Steps: Development of a Feasibility Study Development of a Work Program Implementation of the Work Program The current focus is on „TR 103 217: Recon- figurable Radio Systems (RRS); Feasibility study on inter-domain synergies; Synergies between PPDR/ civil PMR, military and commercial domains“ – with contributions mainly linked to Licensed Shared pectrum based Spectrum Sharing. Further contributions are highly invited & welcome!
Conclusions ETSI TC RRS develops a strong set of standards enabling an efficient usage of TVWS – for M2M/IoT and other systems. ETSI TC RRS develops a feasibility study on Synergies between Commercial, Public Safety and Military Systems – in alignment to EC Mandate M/512, Objective C. Contributions are most highly welcome – the next ETSI TC RRS will be held in Mainz, Germany hosted by BNetzA on 22-26-September 2014.
Contact Details: Dr. Markus Mueck (