The work due in for today is: FLIP LEARNING TASK: Completed and handed in your Tudor and revision grids. Hand in your GB4 essay to be marked Completed the work from the previous lesson The work due in for today is:
How successful was Henry’s foreign policy in the years 1529-1540? Good learning: Understand why Henry’s position was more secure during the 1530s Great learning: Explain why Henry’s attempts to take control of Ireland were unsuccessful Even better: Evaluate how successful Henry’s foreign policy was in this period Key Words: How did relations with foreign powers change and how was the succession secured?
RECAP: What was the situation with regards to foreign policy in 1529? The failure of Henry VIII to resolve his ‘Great Matter’ by diplomatic means emphasises the extent to which England remained relatively minor power in Europe. Henry and Wolsey were forced by their weak position to make an anti-Imperial alliance with the French at the Treaty of Amiens in 1527. Wolsey sought to pressurise the emperor, Charles V, with a trade embargo but Charles’s retaliation created wide spread unemployment and social problems in England, forcing Wolsey to back down. Moreover, Charles V’s strength, as exemplified by his victory over the French at the Battle of Landriano in 1529, and his dominance over the Pope, as demonstrated by the Peace of Cambrai in the same year, ensured that Henry’s attempts to solve his marital issues by diplomatic means was doomed to failure. As Henry was not prepared to blame himself, this ultimately led to the down fall of Wolsey in 1529 also. Good learning Understand why Henry’s position was more secure during the 1530s Great learning Explain why Henry’s attempts to take control of Ireland were unsuccessful Even better Evaluate how successful Henry’s foreign policy was in this period From 1527 it was clear that Charles V was the dominant player in Europe. This made his attempts to annul his marriage with Catherine difficult and therefore domestic issues affected his foreign moves.
Why was Henry’s position a lot more secure during the 1530s? TASK: make a copy of and complete the timeline below on to your sheet of paper. You must then use the information on page 90 of the new textbook to complete the questions and tasks that have been set. 1532: Attempts to ally with the French - Why was attempts to create a defensive alliance with the French unsuccessful? 1540: Henry marries Anne of Cleves Why does Henry decide to marry Anne of Cleves? Why was the marriage not needed in the end? 1536: ???? - Why does this reduce the pressure on his situation? 1533: Henry begins the break with Rome Why was there no short term consequences despite horrifying the Catholic powers Who does he try to form an alliance with as a result? 1538/39: Make a list of the 3 things that weaken Henry’s position in these years Explain why Henry’s position was a lot more secure then what he thought. What does he introduce at home to help appease the situation? Good learning Understand why Henry’s position was more secure during the 1530s Great learning Explain why Henry’s attempts to take control of Ireland were unsuccessful Even better Evaluate how successful Henry’s foreign policy was in this period CHALLENGE: Explain why Henry’s position being a lot more secure during the period.
What was the situation with Ireland during this period? Henry regarded Ireland as a troublesome, rebellious part of his territories, just like the north of England, but only worse. However, involvement with them was closely linked to foreign policy. Before Henry VIII came on to the throne, his father, Henry VII, had problems with the leading Irish family, the Fitzgeralds, as they had supported Lambert Simnel and Burgundy against him. Whilst Henry VII was successful at controlling the situation, any real control over Ireland was extremely limited and was mostly confined to a small area near Dublin. Task: Using the information on page 90-91 of the new textbook answer the following questions: What was the rebellion lead by Thomas Fitzgerald? What measures did Henry try to put in place to gain control? Why can the attempts to gain control of Ireland be seen as unsuccessful? SUMMARY: Henry’s reign marked an important step in Irish history. Ireland was beginning to move from a clan-based Gaelic structure to a more centralised monarchical state, which was typical of the rest of Europe. However, the Irish clung to the supporting the Pope and their Catholic faith at the same time as the settlers were Protestant in their beliefs. Using the pages on 104 of old textbook are better for answering question 2 Good learning Understand why Henry’s position was more secure during the 1530s Great learning Explain why Henry’s attempts to take control of Ireland were unsuccessful Even better Evaluate how successful Henry’s foreign policy was in this period
What could be a criteria for this question? ‘Henry’s foreign policy during the years 1529-1540 was largely successful’. Assess the validity of this view. What could be a criteria for this question? TASK: On your desks and using the whiteboard pens I would like each pair to write a PEEL paragraph either in support of the question or a counter-argument to this question. You will now swap with the other pair and your task is to try and UNDERMINE their argument. You will now write a BALANCED conclusion in your notes based on these paragraphs. Good learning Understand why Henry’s position was more secure during the 1530s Great learning Explain why Henry’s attempts to take control of Ireland were unsuccessful Even better Evaluate how successful Henry’s foreign policy was in this period
The work due in for next lesson is as follows: FLIP LEARNING TASK: Create a piece of revision material that looks at securing the succession. You should use your revision guide page 52 and also the new textbook, pages 93-94. There will be a quiz on this next lesson. The work due in for next lesson is as follows: