Miss Hobin January 22-25 land try different kind home hand us picture January 21: No school Martin Luther King Jr. Day January 30: 1/2 Day Early Release 10:30 Miss Hobin phone number 672-6518 e-mail: gillian.hobin@psd150.org Math: This week we are moving on the Module 4! We will be working on the following: One, ten, and twenty more or less Example: Ten more than 3 is 30. Working on story problems. Figuring out the pattern. ELA: We will be finishing up Bedtime Tales and moving onto Kids Excel. The class has been reading together on the carpet with partners. They are also asking each other questions about the story. Grammar: This week we are focusing on: Nouns and Verbs! We will be making sentences with our verbs Filling in the blank to make complete sentences. land try different kind home hand us picture move again It is flu season!! Please make sure that your child is coming to school bundled up warm with hats, gloves, scarves, thick coats, and boots. We go to gym class every Monday, Tuesday and Friday so please make sure that they have an extra pair of gym shoes with them. Also we are completely out of Kleenex so please any and all donations would be so welcomed for anything Kleenex, disinfectant wipes, pencils, anything at all!