¡Bomba! Somewhere on this island there is a buried treasure. Your mission: to find it! …but watch out! There is also an old land mine somewhere that you must be careful not to hit. If you hit it, the game will instantly be over. Also, you must continue to answer questions correctly in order to stay in the game. Each answer that you get wrong will eliminate one of your three lives. (Click HERE to continue)
Can you find the buried treasure? bomba 1 2 3 4 5 A bomba bomba bomba bomba bomba B bomba bomba bomba bomba bomba C bomba bomba bomba bomba bomba D bomba bomba bomba bomba bomba E bomba bomba bomba bomba bomba Can you find the buried treasure?
Sorry, no treasure here, but you must now answer this question: Invite your friend to this place Possible invitations: ¿Quieres ir a la cafetería conmigo? ¿Te gustaría ir a la cafetería conmigo? Voy a la cafetería. ¿Vienes conmigo?(¿Quieres ir conmigo)? ¿Qué tal si vamos a la cafetería? Click here if Wrong Click here if CORRECT (keep searching)
Sorry, no treasure here, but you must now answer this question: How do you say, “Of course.” A. Vale B. claro que sí C. Está bien. B. Claro que sí Click here if Wrong Click here if CORRECT (keep searching)
Sorry, no treasure here, but you must now answer this question: ¿Puedes ir al cine pasado mañana? This invitation is for when? The day after tomorrow Click here if Wrong Click here if CORRECT (keep searching)
Sorry, no treasure here, but you must now answer this question: El viernes próximo = Next Friday Click here if Wrong Click here if CORRECT (keep searching)
Sorry, no treasure here, but you must now answer this question: Invite someone to the library. ¿Puedes ir a… ¿Quieres ir a…. Vamos a… …la biblioteca? Click here if Wrong Click here if CORRECT (keep searching)
Sorry, no treasure here, but you must now answer this question: ¿Sabes qué? = Do you know what? Click here if Wrong Click here if CORRECT (keep searching)
Sorry, no treasure here, but you must now answer this question: Vamos juntos al partido. In this sentence, “juntos” means: together Click here if Wrong Click here if CORRECT (keep searching)
Sorry, no treasure here, but you must now answer this question: Hay una reunión mañana. Hay = There is Click here if Wrong Click here if CORRECT (keep searching)
Sorry, no treasure here, but you must now answer this question: Next week = la semana _________. próxima Click here if Wrong Click here if CORRECT (keep searching)
Sorry, no treasure here, but you must now answer this question: Tengo que ______un examen mañana. A. Abrir B. Saber C. Presentar Click here if Wrong Click here if CORRECT (keep searching)
Sorry, no treasure here, but you must now answer this question: How do you say that you already have plans? Ya tengo planes. Click here if Wrong Click here if CORRECT (keep searching)
Sorry, no treasure here, but you must now answer this question: How do you say: I’m sorry. Lo siento. Click here if Wrong Click here if CORRECT (keep searching)
Sorry, no treasure here, but you must now answer this question: El próximo sábado = Next Saturday. Click here if Wrong Click here if CORRECT (keep searching)
Sorry, no treasure here, but you must now answer this question: This week = Esta semana Click here if Wrong Click here if CORRECT (keep searching)
Sorry, no treasure here, but you must now answer this question: The concert = El concierto Click here if Wrong Click here if CORRECT (keep searching)
Sorry, no treasure here, but you must now answer this question: How do you say, “Right”? Verdad Click here if Wrong Click here if CORRECT (keep searching)
Sorry, no treasure here, but you must now answer this question: Classroom = El salón de clase Click here if Wrong Click here if CORRECT (keep searching)
Sorry, no treasure here, but you must now answer this question: I have to = Tengo que… Click here if Wrong Click here if CORRECT (keep searching)
Sorry, no treasure here, but you must now answer this question: The stadium = El estadio Click here if Wrong Click here if CORRECT (keep searching)
Articles - $500 Bomba Game over Game over Game over Game over Game over Game over Game over Play again Play again Play again Play again Play again Play again Play again Play again Play again Play again Play again Volver Atrás
Sorry, no treasure here, but you must now answer this question: Next week = La próxima semana, or la semana próxima Click here if Wrong Click here if CORRECT (keep searching)
Sorry, no treasure here, but you must now answer this question: Meeting = reunión Click here if Wrong Click here if CORRECT (keep searching)
You found the treasure! Congratulations! Conjugation - $300 $ $ 1.000.000 You win!!!
Sorry, no treasure here, but you must now answer this question: Translate: Do you know what? ¿Sabes qué? Click here if Wrong Click here if CORRECT (keep searching)
Sorry, no treasure here, but you must now answer this question: Your friend asks you: --¿Quieres ir al concierto? -- Now ask for more information about the event. ¿A qué hora? ¿Dónde? ¿Qué día? ¿Quiénes van? Etc. Click here if Wrong Click here if CORRECT (keep searching)
Bomba Lives Left x Scoreboard x x x Click on map Background first, Then click here
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