Lumbriculus variegatus By Mark Domanowski, January 2018 Culturing Black Worms Lumbriculus variegatus By Mark Domanowski, January 2018
My history -Begin keeping/ raising fish 1975 -Interest in Native species of WNY 1985 -Relocate to NC –join RAS 1997-research * 1952 first commercial available flake food by Tetra
California Black Worm
Why Culture Black Worms? Constant Stable Supply $$$$$$$ Most recently $3.59 per Tablespoon High Nutritional Value – Fry Growth Rate -uneaten worms will live in the aquarium Finicky Feeders – Natives 22/04/2019
Feeding Frontosa’s
Nutritional Value of Common Fish Foods Crude Protein Crude Fat Crude Fiber Moisture Live Black Worms 72.1% 10% 12% 6% As per Shedds Freeze Dried BW’s 65-68% 12-14% 22-24% .01% Aquatic Foods Freeze Dried Krill 67.2% 17.1% 3.3% 7.1% San Francisco Bay Inc. Meal Worms 52.7% 32.8% 11% 4% 22/04/2019
Methods Sand Green Water Filter Pad Unbleached Paper Towel Magnolia Leaves Aquarium Gravel
What do they eat? 22/04/2019
Black worms seem to be nocturnal feeders 22/04/2019
Meal Worm Culture 22/04/2019