What is your leadership style?
What is your color? A B C D
RED Pace: Fast/Decisive Priority: The Task, Results Appearance: Business Like Workplace: Busy/Efficient Gains Security through: Control/Leadership Fears: Being Taken Advantage of, Being Controlled Measures personal worth by: Results, Track Record, Measurable progress Internal motivator: Winning
YELLOW Pace: Fast/Spontaneous Priority: Relationship, Interaction Appearance: Fashionable/Stylish Workplace: Stimulating, Personal, Cluttered Gains security through: Playfulness, Other’s Approval Fears: Loss of Prestige, Being Ignored Measures personal worth by: Acknowledgement, Recognition, Applause, Compliments Internal motivator: The Chase
BLUE Pace: Slow/Relaxed Priority: Relationship, Communication Appearance: Casual/Conforming Workplace: Personal, Relaxed, Friendly Gains security through: Friendship, Cooperation Fears: Sudden Changes Measures personal worth by: Compatibility, Depth of Relationships Internal Motivator: Involvement
GREEN Pace: Slow/Systematic Priority: The Task/Process Appearance: Formal, Conservative Workplace: Structured, Functional, Formal Gains security through: Preparation, Thoroughness Fears: Criticism of their Work Measures personal worth by: Precision, Accuracy, Activity Internal motivator: The Process
A B C D What different leadership styles ASK or NEED Doers What’s in it for me? --------------------- Results oriented Power People Fancy Car Bottom Line Talkers Who? What else? -------------------- People Options Influence People or Want to be Influenced Thinkers Why? What if? -------------------- Planning Harmony Loyal Takes time Counters How? Where? When? ---------------------- Structured Need to be right What’s wrong Control
Your leadership profile… C D Thinker Graphing a pie chart based on your responses will illustrate the leadership styles you follow. 18 degrees per answer Every 5 answers = 90 degrees B Counter Talker Doer A