Next 1. The Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 What are the recommended food groups and how much of each group should you be eating? These materials are © 2013 Natasha Souders, National University, all rights reserved. Some of the icons are courtesy of The United States Department of Agriculture’s site at http://
2. Information Sources Next 1 2 3 4 5 6 According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, “There are many benefits associated with a healthful eating plan based on the Dietary Guidelines for American. These include decreasing the risk of chronic diseases, obesity, and micronutrient deficiencies.” You will explore the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, so that you know exactly what the guidelines entail. These materials are © 2013 Natasha Souders, National University, all rights reserved. Some of the icons are courtesy of The United States Department of Agriculture’s site at http://
3. The Student Activity Next 1 2 3 4 5 6 Fruits Vegetables Grains You will now visit this website: Fill in the chart below with information from the site. You can also click on each food group to go directly to the link. Food Group How much do YOU need daily? Health Benefits Examples of good choices for the food group Fruits Vegetables Grains Proteins Dairy These materials are © 2013 Natasha Souders, National University, all rights reserved.
4. The Assessment Activity Next 4. The Assessment Activity 1 2 3 4 5 6 Write a paragraph telling me what surprised you about the facts that you filled into your chart. Did you know the food groups before you started? Did you know how many of each food group you are supposed to eat daily? How can you incorporate a more balanced diet into your routine? Why is it important to strive for these guidelines? When you are finished, share your answers with a partner. These materials are © 2013 Natasha Souders, National University, all rights reserved. Some of the icons are courtesy of The United States Department of Agriculture’s site at http://
5. Enrichment Activities Next 5. Enrichment Activities 1 2 3 4 5 6 The following are excellent sites about nutrition and health: What Should You Drink? Sample Menus Daily Food Plan Empty Calories Nutrition Labels These materials are © 2013 Natasha Souders, National University, all rights reserved. Some of the icons are courtesy of The United States Department of Agriculture’s site at http://
6. Teacher Support Materials 1 2 3 4 5 6 State Standards addressed by this unit: Health Education Content Standards for California Public Schools 1.4.N Describe dietary guidelines, food groups, nutrients, and serving sizes for healthy eating habits. These materials are © 2013 Natasha Souders, National University, all rights reserved. Some of the icons are courtesy of The United States Department of Agriculture’s site at http://