Theories of Punishment
Big Picture To investigate theories of punishment. To explore why there are different theories of punishment.
Outcomes: All must learn four theories of punishment Most should understand the importance of these theories Some could relate it to modern life and modern forms of punishment
Theories of punishment In order to have justice and make sure laws are obeyed, society has law courts and punishments for criminals. Punishment of criminals is based on these theories: Retribution Deterrence Reform Protection
Theories of punishment Retribution: the idea that criminals should pay for their crimes. Deterrence: the idea that if punishments are severe enough, people will be frightened of committing crimes
Theories of punishment Reform: the idea that people who commit crimes need to be shown why it is wrong and be helped to lead crime-free lives. (rehabilitation is giving criminals education and qualification) Protection: the idea that punishment should be used to protect society from criminals who cannot be reformed
Theories of punishment Keywords: Deterrence, protection, reform, and Retribution what is a mnemonic? Can you create one for these theories. 5minutes
Your Opinion Which of the four theories do you think is the best form of punishment and why?
In your book give 2 reasons why reform may be argued against 2 reasons why retribution could be argued against 2 reasons why deterrence might be argued against
Theories of punishment Applying retribution is making you as bad as the criminal Retribution will not stop reoffending criminals People who are going to commit a crime do not think they will get caught and so will not be deterred by punishment Countries which cut off the hands of thieves do not have less theft because poor people still steal they are not deterred
Theories of punishment Reform does not work with many criminals as they reoffend Psychopath, etc cannot be reformed and its expensive Protection sometimes goes against human rights Protection could be unfair if you got the wrong guys
Theories of punishment Reflection: "5:38 Cut off the hands of thieves, whether they are male or female, as punishment for what they have done—a deterrent from God: God is almighty and wise. 39 But if anyone repents after his wrongdoing and makes amends, God will accept his repentance: God is most forgiving and merciful. Discuss the statement with your neighbour