Transcriptionally regulated genes in Δsaci_ptp and Δsaci_pp2a as compared with the strain MW001. Transcriptionally regulated genes in Δsaci_ptp and Δsaci_pp2a as compared with the strain MW001.A, The number of differentially regulated gene products in Δsaci_ptp and Δsaci_pp2a are depicted in a Venn diagram. Up and down arrows represent the number of genes which were found to be either up- or down-regulated for each deletion strain. In Δsaci_ptp, most genes were down-regulated, whereas in Δsaci_pp2a most were up-regulated. Eight genes were differentially regulated in both phosphatase deletion strains. B, Heat-map representation of all eight commonly regulated genes in Δsaci_ptp (X) and Δsaci_pp2a (Y). The graph is based on the differential gene expression analysis by RNA-seq, showing all genes that are significantly altered in their expression in both deletion strains. The right side panel shows the functional classification for each gene product. Julia Reimann et al. Mol Cell Proteomics 2013;12:3908-3923 © 2013 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.