Competition policy in the „aftermath“ of the 2008 crisis on the financial markets: some issues effects on cooperation between national/regional competition authorities cooperation „slowed down“ (Federico) cooperation increased, more willingness to accept international coordination (Ia, Olga, Caterina, Camilla) „rescue“ mergers: creation of dominant market positions in the post-crisis situation (Silvia D., Umut, Olga, Federico)
market power of foreign investors possibly increased (Fei) risk of competion distorsion, e.g. protection of „national“ bank deposits (Fei, Caterina, Silvia R., Silvia D., Eva, Alessandro, Camilla) state aid rules in general under pressure (Stefano)
less competition by innovation (dynamic competition) because of a decrease in investments (Eva, Silvia R.) increased/different risk of vertical and horizontal agreements restricting competition (Eva) increased competition in certain sectors because less resources devoted to purely financial products (Silvia R.)
insurgence of national, protectionist interests (Silvia R insurgence of national, protectionist interests (Silvia R., Lidiia, Olga, Gonzalo) liberalization of certain markets slowed down (Gonzalo) markets more concentrated, small and financially weak untertakings swallowed up by financially stronger competitors (Gonzalo, Lidiia) cartels among competitors to limit price competition induced by a weak consumers‘ demand (Umut)
turbulence in the currency markets may distort competition on the goods/services markets (Umut) risk of overregulation of the financial markets (Federico, Alessandro) „real“ competition check on firms less effective because of instability/volatility of the firms‘ financial assets (Alessandro)
market not „self-corrective“ in certain cases: reaffirmed the necessity of state intervention and more transparency (Caterina, Olga, Silvia D.) markets may become more local because risks better under control – less information asymmetry (Silvia D., Camilla) globalization possibly „reframed“: less „foreign investments? (Camilla)