Soldiers and Civilians Fact: Nearly every family, North & South, lost one or more family members to the war.
I. Boys in Blue and Gray 1. Most soldiers were under the age of 21 a. Union (N) -more supplies b. Confederacy (S) -Poorly supplied -Fatty Foods -Salt pork -acquired weapons from dead soldiers
II. Deserters and Draft Dodgers 1. At start of war: a. Patriotism -soldiers volunteered -enlist 2. As war carried on a. Loss of patriotic feelings -many avoided service -solution -Conscription -mandatory draft -New York riots -opposition to draft
III. African American Soldiers 1. Recruitment began after Emancipation Proclamation a. Usually not allowed to fight -“Contraband” -Scouts -cooks -spies b. 54th of Massachusetts -Film “Glory” -21 metals of Honor
IV. Women and the War 1. Took charge of farms & factories 1. Took charge of farms & factories 2. Provided war relief a. Dorthea Dix -provide support for mentally ill b. Clara Barton -American Red Cross