Unit 3- American Revolution Covers the Road to Revolution, the Revolution, and effects
Monday, 10/12 Warm-up (new sheet page 1 your paper): Take Pre-test on the American Revolution (on paper) Write down your homework: Study American Revolution and Common Core vocab 2 every night for at least 10 mins Progress Reports go home tomorrow
Today we will…. Notebook Check from Unit 2 Start new notebook and Table of Contents Understand key events that lead to the American Revolution Today- Bacon’s Rebellion Identify key vocabulary terms using Quizlet.com
Identify Key Vocabulary terms Complete the missing portions of your vocabulary notes. (Should take 40mins) This will be page 2 of your notebook. By finishing these notes, it will not be necessary to have access to quizlet.com to study your vocab terms which can show up on Weekly 5’s and Tests. Raise your hand when done pg2 to get pg 3. American Key Figures is page 3 of your notebook. Do achieve, or study vocab with games when completed with both works https://quizlet.com/56144337/american-revolution-flash-cards/ https://quizlet.com/51884029/american-revolution-key-figures-flash-cards/
Bacon’s Rebellion Use http://civics.sites.unc.edu/files/2012/05/Baconsrebellion.pdf to have students act out the peom on Bacon’s rebellion to emulate the issues between the French, Indians, and English colonists. The skits you create will be presented tomorrow in class.
Tuesday, 10/13 Warm-up: Write down your homework: Use write three sentences each using one of your vocabulary terms. You may select any three you want. Example: I pay taxes to the government. Write down your homework: Highlight vocabulary in notes on French and Indian War Achieves due Friday at the end of class: The “Other” Elections, and Why don’t more young people vote? Progress Reports need to be signed and returned by Friday Study American Revolution and Common Core 2 vocab for at least 10 mins every night
Today we will…. Understand key events that lead to the American Revolution Understand key events leading towards the American Revolution Interpret a multitude of sources to recognize the causes and effects of the French and Indian War (aka 7yrs War)
Bacon’s Rebellion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJIkSHD2k0w On your own sheet of paper, summarize the video on Bacon’s Rebellion.
French and Indian War (aka 7yrs War) Complete webquest using http://teachyturcol.weebly.com/french-and-indian- webquest.html We will use the information from the webquest to create a skit from one of the different perspectives of people who were in the French and Indian War.
Wednesday, 10/14 .Warm-up: Write down your homework: French and Indian War Storyboard Progress Report and Achieves due Friday Study American Revolution and Common Core 2 vocab for 10 mins every night
Today we will…. Understand key events that lead to the American Revolution Interpret a multitude of sources to recognize the causes and effects of the French and Indian War (aka 7yrs War) Create a storyboard with your interpretation of the 7 yrs War Achieve 3000
Finish French and Indian War Webquest(first 30mins) Complete webquest using http://teachyturcol.weebly.com/french-and-indian- webquest.html We will use the information from the webquest to create a storyboard from one of the different perspectives of people who were in the French and Indian War. You will be able to work on this after you get done the webquest; finish for homework.
Log-on to Achieve 3000 (last 40mins) Achieves due Friday at the end of class: The “Other” Elections, and Why don’t more young people vote? Pick ones of your choice when done CSLP- decorate and deliver boxes and flyers around the school. You should be through Step 7, and beginning Step 8. Reflect upon your choices thus far, and the hurdles you’ve had to overcome. Your Projects will be shared with the principals and staff of the school. If you’ve had to change your project from your original plan, this is where you will note that.
Thursday, 10/15 Warm-up: We talked about how Bacon’s Rebellion will snowball into the 7 yrs war, and continue from there. What will be the next issue after the 7 yrs war. Share with elbow buddy when Ms. Farley says to. Turn your homework into the center of your tables. Write down your homework: Road to Revolution Summary Notes Progress Report due Friday Study American Revolution and Common Core 2 vocab for 10 mins every night Achieves due Friday at the end of class: The “Other” Elections, and Why don’t more young people vote?
Today we will…. Understand key events that lead to the American Revolution
Road to Revolution Using “Road to Revolution” enrichment activity on techbook, we will see the steps that will lead to war. Please answer the video guide questions as we go through the video. The Summary at the end of the video is for you to complete at home. http://elmsscobbie8.weebly.com/enrichment-activity-road-to-revolution.html
Friday, 10/16 Warm-up: Weekly 5 10/16 on Quia.com you have 10mins Homework: Study American Revolution and Common Core 2 vocab for 10 mins every night American Revolution Haiku if not finished in class
Achieve 3000 ( 40mins of class) Achieves due Friday at the end of class: The “Other” Elections, and Why don’t more young people vote? Pick ones of your choice when done CSLP- decorate and deliver boxes and flyers around the school. You should be through Step 7, and beginning Step 8. Reflect upon your choices thus far, and the hurdles you’ve had to overcome. Your Projects will be shared with the principals and staff of the school.
American Revolution Haiku (til end of class) Using the information from the movie guide from yesterday, it is your job to write a Haiku about your topic. Your topic can be any event leading up to the American Revolution (Boston Tea Party, Tea Act, Navigation Acts, Stamp act, Lexington and Concord, Proclamation of 1763, Sugar Act, Boston Massacre, quartering act) remember 5 syllabi, 7 syllabi, 5 syllabi. You should also draw a picture expressing your topic. This is a creative assignment so make sure to use your imagination!!
Monday, 10/19