Calibration of a phase-shift formed in a linearly chirped fiber Bragg grating by using wavelength-interrogated fiber ring laser and its application to temperature sensor
Purpose of this study Relationship between amount of the phase-shift and peak wavelength of the resulted band-pass filter (at which the transmission is maximum) Relationship between amount of the phase-shift and transmission of the narrow band-pass filter
Simulation results: Simulation results for the transmission spectra of the phase-shifted linearly chirped FBG where ten different phase shifts are inserted, respectively.
Simulation results: Changes of the peak-wavelength vs. the amount of the inserted phase-shift. Changes of the peak-transmission vs. the amount of the inserted phase-shift.
Experimental results: Experimental results for the dependent of the peak wavelength shift on the magnitude of the PZT voltage. Relationship between the induced phase shift and the applied PZT voltage.
Calibration of the induced phase-shift in FBG by using the wavelength-interrogated fiber ring laser Experimental setup for the SLM EDF ring laser
Experimental results for the fiber ring laser Measurement results for the laser output spectra while different voltages are applied on the PZT. Output spectra of the fiber ring laser measured 8 times in every other 10 minute.
Relationship of the phase-shift with the lasing wavelength of the fiber laser Dependent of the lasing wavelength on the amount of the phase shift induced in the FBG.
Potential application of the above results CO2 laser inscribed phase-shifted fiber Bragg grating and its application to either a refracometric sensor or a temperature sensor