Tuesday 2nd December
All Year Groups Bhangra Club A wee reminder that there is a Bhangra Club rehearsal at lunch time for S1-S6.
Clubs Netball Club Mrs Moore S1-6 girls only Tuesday, 3.50pm Girls Gym Guitar Club Mr McGuinness Music Dept S1/2 Only 12.55pm Basketball Club Mr Richardson S1-6 boys and girls Tuesday, 3.50pm Middle Gym Tin Whistle Group Mr Duncan RE Room 2 Staff and pupils welcome! 12.55pm Strings Group Miss Duffin (Instructor) Music Dept All year groups 1pm Animation Club S1 and S2 Only Ms Lynch's Art Room! Tuesday & Thursday's 12.35pm Bring your lunch with you!
S5/6 Career Advisor Could the following pupils please register at tutor time then make their way to the Library to collect an appointment card for today’s career appointments (2nd Dec): Could the following buddies please meet with Mrs Albarracin today at 12.35pm Supported Study 3.50 – 4.50 Art E Lynch Chemistry S McDermid Drama I Wewiorski History L Kennedy P.E. A Dickman
S4 Career Advisor Could the following pupils please register at tutor time then make their way to the Library to collect an appointment card for today’s career appointments (2nd Dec):
S2 Parents Evening Your parents evening will take place tonight in school from 4-6pm. Please make sure you bring your appointment slip, report and options form tonight. This is the perfect opportunity for your parents/carers to ask the teachers any questions about this process. See you tonight!