EDUCATION ACTIVITIES OF CHAMBER OF ECONOMY OF MONTENEGRO Prof. dr Radovan Stojanovic University of Montenegro Kick-off Meeting, Montenegro, February 2019
CHAMBER OF ECONOMY OF MONTENEGRO an autonomous, business, professional and association of interest that gathers business organizations, banks and other financial institutions, insurance companies, entrepreneurs and other organization forms; which conduct business activity in the territory of Montenegro, which are connected by common business interests; which were admitted to the membership of the Chamber pursuant to the Law on the Chamber of Economy of Montenegro. Kick-off Meeting, Montenegro, February 2019
MEMBERSHIP Is acquired by entry in the Central Register of the Commercial Court of Montenegro; Members of the Chamber have equal rights, obligations and responsibilities in the Chamber
to harmonize mutual interests of its members; ACTIVITIES AND TASKS to promote, represent, harmonize and protect the common interests of the members before the state and other authorities in the country and abroad; to harmonize mutual interests of its members; to participate in enchancement of economy - related laws and economic policy measures; to establish and develop business relations in domestic and foreign markets;
to develop entrepreneurship and stimulate competitiveness; ACTIVITIES AND TASKS to develop entrepreneurship and stimulate competitiveness; to participate in development of education system as well as organize advanced trainings, specialist courses, lectures, seminars, workshops and other forms of education; to organize activities in the area of international economic relations, promotion of goods and services, economic propaganda, organization of fairs and development of foreign trade activities.
ORGANIZATION Organisational forms in the Chamber, through which the performing activities are carried out, are: - Association Boards, - Coordination Boards - Groupations, - Departments: Department for Research and Analysis Department for International Cooperation Department for Education and Quality Department for Legal and General Affairs Department for Finance and Accounting Department for Marketing Department for Projects Department for Transport
INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION MEMBERSHIP ICC – WCF - International Chambers of Commerce EUROCHAMBERS - Association of European Chambers of Commerce and Industry CECCI - Central European Chambers of Commerce Initiative SECI - Southeast European Cooperative Initiative ABC - Association of Balkan Chambers Forum of the Chambers of Commerce of the Adriatic and Ionian Area FIATA - International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations ASCAME - Association of the Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce IRU - International Road Transport Union
PARTICIPATION IN EDUCATION BODIES National Council for Education Council for Qualifications Sectoral commisions Council for Higher Education Managing Board in VET high school institutions Commission for the development of occupational standards and training programs
SOCIAL PARTNERSHIP Through cooperation with the Center for Vocational Education, the Chamber of Economy of Montenegro, as a social partner is involved in the education reform process, in the part that belongs to its competence and in that sense it was intense cooperation with other social partners. Some of the most important activities in this field were related to: participation in the development of occupational standards (preparation, creation, evaluation and adoption of occupational standards), participation in the development of curricula for vocational education, drafting and adoption of training programs, participation and work in commissions for developing an adult education training program
SOCIAL PARTNERSHIP During 2018, 11 occupational standards were adopted, as well as 16 educational programs and two revised educational programs, which were adopted in 2017
EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES Areas of activity and selection of educational education topics are selected on the basis of member requests and on the basis of market research on the needs of members. Accordingly, during the last year Chamber of Economy of Montenegro organized 56 educational activities through which 3282 participants passed.
EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES Type of activity Number of realized activities Number of participants Round tables 14 446 Seminars 18 840 Conferences 6 1319 Workshops 9 252 Presentations 8 316 Trainings 1 29 TOTAL: 56 3282
DUAL EDUCATION SYSTEM The Chamber of Economy of Montenegro also actively participates in the promotion and realization of the dual education system. In the 2017/2018 school year, according to the dual education system, 300 students were educated in Montenegro with 101 reputable employers, active members of Chamber, such as Franca, Hotel Hilton, Hotel Splendid, Hotel Center Ville, Toscelik, Adriatic Marinas, Hotel Kalamper, Mercedes Benz, Reno, Škoda, Fiat, Opel and many others. In this process, in school year 2017/2018, participated 17 vocational schools from 12 Montenegrin municipalities, with 14 educational programs. In order to better realize and monitor the entire process of realization of this type of education, the Ministry of Education has established a Coordinating Body for continuous monitoring of dual education. The Chambers of Economy of Montenegro participate in the work of this body, which includes representatives of economic associations and educational institutions, Center for Vocational Education and Ministry. The Chamber of Economy of Montenegro promoted the importance of the dual education system through various types of activities, through the organization of round tables and presentations of this type of education at the meetings of the Association Boards, as well as through daily consulting of companies on this issue
SECTOR FOR EDUCATION AND QUALITY Activities of the Chamber of Economy of Montenegro in the field of higher education are reflected through the work of representatives in the Council for Higher Education. In this part of education system, the Chamber is also active through participation in international projects of higher education TEMPUS and ERASMUS. In order to promote research and innovation in cooperation with the Ministry of Science, the EUREKA program was presented at the meetings of the Association Boards Representatives of the Chamber are members and participate in the work of the Working Group for Science and Research for negotiation with the EU, as well as the Working Group for Education and Culture for Negotiation. In the period April-May 2018, the Chamber of Economy of Montenegro conducted a survey on deficit occupations in Montenegro. The inquiries are directed to all members of the Associations Boards and Coordination Boards in the Chamber of Economy of Montenegro, with a request to submit their assessment of the professions that are deficient in our country and their needs on this issue. The received answers were sorted by branch and delivered to interested parties (Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare, Center for Vocational Education, etc.).
Thank you for your attention! CHAMBER OF ECONOMY OF MONTENEGRO Novaka Miloševa 29/II, 81000 Podgorica, tel: +382 20 230 605 fax: +382 20 230 493;