Near Miss & Hazard Reporting The S.T.A.R. Approach Staff briefing
What is the point of reporting hazards and near misses? Reporting and addressing hazards has been proven to prevent accidents! However, it also helps: - Identify issues early and trend problems so that we can stop accidents from happening Gives employees a voice to help resolve safety related issues Helps us develop an open culture whereby everyone shares and contributes in a responsible manner to their own safety and that of their fellow workers – NO BLAME!
We’ve tried this before and it failed – what’s different this time? It was poorly implemented – education poor, little if any follow up Employees believed that they were raising issues but the issues were not being taken seriously enough - resulted in them becoming disillusioned with the process and reporting quickly stopped or never really got started What’s different It’s important that we learn lessons from this experience Simple process for the user, i.e. easily understood and easy to complete; Engage with you, listen and try our best to resolve Leadership will seek to remove barriers and encourage reporting We promise to do our best to close out issues and communicate what we’ve done The CWU/CMA are on board Issues that cannot be quickly resolved are discussed as a standing agenda item at regular Safety Committee meetings; We encourage open reporting but anonymous reporting is an option We emphasise that there is “no blame” culture when reporting these issues
Introducing S.T.A.R…. STAR has been designed to be easy for employees to complete It’s eye catching and professional STOP – THINK – ACT – REPORT is easy to understand and follow It also encourages the workforce to put forward safety related ideas that may improve the risk. A STAR post box is situated __________ but you can just hand the card to a Manager The STAR – BOARD is situated __________ This is a notice board where the completed STAR cards are placed with an explanation from management on what has been done to close out or at least actions towards close out. This will be updated as a minimum of weekly. STAR cards will also be discussed at the monthly Safety Committee Meetings – Ongoing issues can be discussed and actions agreed This is a Pilot to run for 3 months and then review to take place - Learnings to be factored into future changes. Therefore – we want your feedback Let us know how it’s going What’s working well, What can we improve etc. Please be part of the overall solution to help address issues so that we can prevent people from being injured and road traffic collisions
STAR Hazard Reporting Card (Page 1) Top of the page indicate whether it’s a report on a good or bad practice observed or if it’s a good idea (we should actively encourage ideas and reports on where staff work safely) STOP – the person completing states where the issue/idea is and a brief description THINK – the person completing states what the risk currently is – simply what could happen if things go wrong? ACT – Can the person themselves deal with the issue, perhaps only in part to make the area/situation safe – individuals are empowered to make sensible decisions or at least seek help.
STAR Hazard Reporting Card (Page 2) REPORT – If the issues cannot be resolved, what is the individual’s suggestion on what needs to be done. Name – optional but we should encourage them to state as we/they should have nothing to fear – no blame. It will help us trace if there are any questions that may need answering to help resolve the issue Site/Date/Time all to be input Tick box(es) that apply – tick one or more boxes. Primary reason to be input into system for MI purposes Employees should hand to Manager or place into the STAR Post box
Simple methods to ensure success… Insert image of STAR BOARD Insert image of post box Reduction in accidents Reduction in RTC’s Increased staff morale
What do we report and what don’t we report? Do report through STAR… Issues in yards where delivering is difficult RM and customer Faults with loading docks, tail lifts and other equipment Threatening behaviour Hot spot RTC areas Don’t Report through STAR… If you get cut up on the public highway If there isn’t any toilet roll in the toilets Vehicle faults – these should be reported through the normal daily checks.
Next Steps Take a number of STAR cards and store them in driver packs or somewhere neat and tidy that you can easily access Fill in the STAR card wherever you come across issues Place the STAR card into the STAR box when you return to the office or hand it to a manager Check the STAR BOARD to find out about progress with the issue Positively and politely challenge if you do not receive an update in a timely manner Feedback to management on ways in which you think that the process can be improved.