Complex sentences embedding phrases in phrases, phrases in clauses, clauses in clauses Kuiper and Allan Chapter 8.1
Phrases within phrases Phrases can contain other phrases as constituents. This process is infinite.
Embedding within phrases Data the person on the seat inside the theatre the person [PPon [NPthe seat [PPinside [NPthe theatre]]]] recursion NP DET N PP P NP DET N PP P NP DET N the person on the seat within the theatre
Recursivity in possessives PRON my aunt 's dog 's lead
Clauses within clauses Data a. Sally hoped that Paul would meet her today. b. Gerry understood why the jury found him guilty. c. Horace cried after his dog died. Note that the underlined constituents are clauses, i.e. they have subjects and predicates.
Functions of embedded clauses Data a. Joanna knew [that Henry would come]. b. the expectation [that Henry would come] The identical embedded clause can perform different functions. In a. it is a direct object. In b. it is a modifier of a noun in a noun phrase.
Representing the structure of embedded clauses NP DET N S' the cat which lives with Nellie
The internal structure of embedded clauses The complementizer, or subordinating conjunction. This constituent introduces the subordinate (or embedded) clause. e.g. that, for, whether, whenever, while. The actual clause follows.
Representing the internal structure of embedded clauses COMP S NP VP
Functions of embedded clauses subject That weeds had invaded the garden lowered the price. object The agent knew that weeds had invaded the garden. intensive complement It seemed that weeds had invaded the garden. modifier of noun (relative clause) the garden which was invaded by weeds