Learn | Branch | Grow SAY: Welcome to our internal training division, Learn, Branch, Grow! I am excited to see many familiar faces. For those of you that are new to our workshops, my name is X and I will be facilitating our workshop today. Before we get started, I’d like to invite everyone to introduce themselves, state what department they’re from and name one thing you’d like to get out of today’s workshop. Who would like to start…? SHOW/DO: Go around the room, making sure everyone has a moment to speak. SAY: Thanks everyone…now let’s get started…
Budget Basics Presented by: Learning & Development Learning Series, Q1 SAY: The reason you’re here today is to get insight on Budget Basics. There are no prerequisites for you to attend since this is an introductory course. However, if you are interested in learning advanced budging skills, please look at our LMS for when that workshop is being offered. Now let’s go over some housekeeping rules… Learning Series, Q1
Housekeeping Cell Phone Use Time & Breaks Restrooms Fire Exits L|B|G SAY: Our cell phones have become indispensable. While our focus will be on learning new skills and knowledge - you will have breaks so that you can re-connect with your clients, boss, colleagues or family. For now, I’d like to ask you to decide as a group how we should handle cell phones during class? (The hope is that they vote to put phones on vibrate.) Reiterate the group decisions. SAY: We’ll also have three ten minute breaks after our activities so you’ll have time to check in and relax a little bit. SAY: As for restrooms – they are down the hallway on the right and left side. And fire exits are next to the elevators, down the stairwell. Follow me in case of an emergency. Great – let’s move on to class expectations… L|B|G
Expectations Transfer Learn L|B|G Participate Share Discuss SAY: In this workshop, Active Participation is expected to help you retain knowledge and skills. It also makes our workshops fun! (Click) We ask that during class discussions that you share your past experiences so that everyone can learn from them. We also ask that you keep on point. However, you feel it’s important to address a particular off-topic subject, I invite you to place a sticky note on the “parking lot” area and we can discuss it during a break or after class. (Click) While class discussion and feedback is encouraged, please make sure to share your thoughts with your peers with respect. (Click) Learn from your peers– ask good questions and take good notes. These are all great way to help you stay engaged and remember what was taught. (Click) And finally – you’ll have time to reflect on what we cover in today’s workshop. We’ll ask that you write down a few ways how you will implement what you’ve learned here back on the job. And now – let’s talk specifically why we’re all here… L|B|G
Today’s Goal Confidence! SAY: Our goal today is to enhance your knowledge and skills with respect to Profit & Loss Statements, Budgets & Reports and Incentive Programs, so that you can confidently explain these topics to your teams. L|B|G
Recognize the areas of a Profit & Loss Statement that you will be able to influence to increase sales and decrease expenses. Interpret Budgets and Reports to assist in making future purchasing decisions. Objectives Explain to crewmembers why they may not receive a quarterly bonus even though they’ve hit their quarterly goals. SAY: After today’s module, you will be able to do the following… (Click) Read the text boxes one at a time – (Click after each.) Identify who to contact for specific budgeting questions. L|B|G
The Agenda Profit & Loss Statements Operating Income Budgets & Reports Incentive Programs SAY: Our day will go as planned here… (Click) We’ll look at: Profit and loss statements, (Click) operating income, (Click) budgets and reports, (Click) incentive programs (Click) and finally we’ll identify who can help you when you need it most! Who can help me? L|B|G
Profit & Loss Statements SAY: A Profit & Loss Statement (P&L) is a monthly report that reflects the financial performance of an operation.
Deconstructing P & Ls L|B|G SAY: We’ll now deconstruct a sample P& L Statement. (click) The Income area lists the categories of sales as well as the total sales income. (Click) The next area – Cost of Goods lists how much your products cost – as well as the total amount. (Click) When you subtract the cost of goods from the total income – you get the Gross Profit. (Click) Next you have all of your expenses…itemized and the total amount of expenses. (Click) And finally – when you deduct the expenses from the gross profit – you get what’s known as the Operating Income. Let’s now take a closer look at the Operating Income. L|B|G
Operating Income L|B|G SAY: The last part of the P & L statement lists the final number, the Operating Income. This is the number that you’ll try to increase as you save on expenses and drive sales up. Now, let’s talk about expenses… L|B|G
Paper Goods & Office Supplies Controllable Expenses Paper Goods & Office Supplies Saving $$$ SAY: One way to impact the P & L statement is with controllable expenses. This is where you can help save the company money and increase your bonus - since the money you save on expenses goes towards the quarterly bonus pool. (Click) Some examples of controllable expenses include paper goods and office supplies. For a complete list of expenses you have influence over, see your Controller. L|B|G
To Summarize... Monthly Financial Report Operating Income = Bottom # P & L s Monthly Financial Report Oper. Income Operating Income = Bottom # Control. Expenses Focus on to save money SAY: We’ll summarize what we covered so far: (Click) P & L Statements are monthly financial reports that display your Total Sales, Cost of Goods, gross profit, expenses and... (Click) The Operating Income. Again, when you factor in all your expenses – and deduct those amounts – you get the bottom number which is the Operating Income. (Click) One area that you can influence – is with controllable expenses. Helping your teams lower these types of expenses will help you hit your quarterly targets, leading everyone to a more profitable bonus! L|B|G
Independent Exercise SAY: It’s now time for an Independent Exercise. I will be passing out an activity packet. The first activity has a screenshot of a sample P & L statement. Use this to answer the questions. You will have 5 minutes to complete this activity. Afterwards we will debrief it together. SHOW/DO: Hand out Activity Packet. SHOW/DO: Advance to the next slide.
In Review - Activity 1 L|B|G Activity 1: Independent Exercise/Identify & Q&A: Profit & Loss Statements Instructions: Use the Profit & Loss handout to answer the below questions. 1. What areas contain specific items you can influence to help meet your sales and expense goals? A,B & C A,B, D & E A, B, C, D & F 2. This number is what you get after all cost of goods and expenses are deducted from total sales. C, Gross Profit D, Expenses, Labor G, Operating Income 3. The Total Operating Income in dollars is how much? $775 $1,300 $260 SHOW/DO: While the learners will have their own activity packet, keep this slide up as they are working on it. SHOW/DO: Time Activity Activity Time: 5 Minutes Debrief Time: 10 Minutes – Discuss how they feel about reading the P & L table. Ask what they found helpful and what is challenging. Answers 1: b) A,B, D & E 2: a) C, Gross Profit 3: c) $260 4: a) Controllable Expenses 4. Office Supplies and Paper Goods fall under what category? Controllable Expenses Fixed Expenses Utilities L|B|G
Action Plan L|B|G Title a fresh page “Action Plan.” Reflect on the topics covered. Use concrete examples on how you’ll apply what you learned today in your real world. SAY: It’s now time to make sure you have a plan in place to help transfer the knowledge and skills you learn here today back on the job. (Click) Start a fresh page in your notebook and title it Action Plan. (Click) Take a moment to reflect on what you learned so far and write down a few things that you will use when you go back to work. (Click) Use concrete examples on how you’ll apply what you learned today in your real world. Give yourself a few minutes to do this. When you are complete, take a break and we will start again at _____. (Fifteen minutes from current time.) SHOW/DO: Allow 5 minutes for this activity. Break time: 10 Minutes L|B|G
What questions can I answer for you? SAY: We’re now at the end of the first section. What questions can I answer for you or help clarify? SHOW/DO: Answer any questions learners have. Give positive feedback and cushion when clarifying a misunderstood point. For example, “I understand why you would think that, but let me explain why it’s actually…” Then go into the explanation. Ask for understanding. “Does that help clarify things…” or “Did that answer your question?” SAY: If you have questions after our workshop today, I invite you to send me an email so that I can answer them for you or point you in the right direction if I don’t have the exact answer. We have one last thing to cover… L|B|G
Questions Feedback Survey L|B|G SAY: Finally, we have a survey that we would like your feedback on so that we can make improvements for future workshops. This is anonymous, so your responses will be confidential. Please take a few minutes to fill it out. I’ll place an envelope on the table. When you are done, place it inside. SHOW/DO: Allow 5 minutes to complete the survey. L|B|G
Learn | Branch | Grow Thank you! SAY: Once again, make sure to use your action plans to help you transfer the knowledge and skills you learned today back on the job. Thank you for participating today! Thank you!