Human chorionic gonadotropin levels after blastocyst transfer are highly predictive of pregnancy outcome1  Theocharis C Papageorgiou, M.D., Mark P Leondires,


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Presentation transcript:

Human chorionic gonadotropin levels after blastocyst transfer are highly predictive of pregnancy outcome1  Theocharis C Papageorgiou, M.D., Mark P Leondires, M.D., Bradley T Miller, M.D., Audrey S Chang, Ph.D., Alicia B Armstrong, M.D., Lynette A Scott, Ph.D., James H Segars, M.D.  Fertility and Sterility  Volume 76, Issue 5, Pages 981-987 (November 2001) DOI: 10.1016/S0015-0282(01)02840-0

Figure 1 Receiver operating characteristic curve for day 3 and day 5 embryo transfers based on β–hCG serum values (mIU/mL) 16 days after ovum retrieval. Solid line = day 5 values. Dashed line = day 3 samples. The value of 232 mIU/mL for the day 5 group is circled. The value of 173 mIU/mL for the day 3 group is circled. These two circles represent the optimal sensitivity and specificity for the assay. Papageorgiou. β-hCG levels after blastocyst transfer. Fertil Steril 2001. Fertility and Sterility 2001 76, 981-987DOI: (10.1016/S0015-0282(01)02840-0)

Figure 2 Percentages of a multiple pregnancies for day 3 and day 5 embryo transfers based on day 16 β–hCG serum values (mIU/mL). Pregnancies = clinical pregnancies. Multiple pregnancies = twin gestation and higher on ultrasound at 12 weeks gestation. Error bars = mean ± SEM. Papageorgiou. β-hCG levels after blastocyst transfer. Fertil Steril 2001. Fertility and Sterility 2001 76, 981-987DOI: (10.1016/S0015-0282(01)02840-0)