MPAT presentation of 2014 results Minister’s opening notes Department of Planning Monitoring and Evaluation MPAT presentation of 2014 results Minister’s opening notes PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC SERVICE AND ADMINISTRATION AS WELL MONITORING AND EVALUATION February 2016
Rationale for MPAT MPAT was developed to ensure improved management practices for the achievement of the NDP/ MTSF targets There is evidence that bad management practices contribute to non-achievement government outcomes MPAT is a the tool that identifies problem areas and provides opportunity to bring about improvements by show-casing good practises.
supply chain management asset management human resource management Rationale for MPAT MPAT tool has confirmed that recurring weaknesses in management of the following areas lead to poor service delivery : financial management supply chain management asset management human resource management Planning and monitoring Some Examples:- Textbook delivery challenges in some provinces Shortages of ARVs in some provinces non-payment of suppliers within 30 days which undermines small business development
Chronology of MPAT Cabinet approved pilot of the tool in Oct 2010 Presidency, DPSA and NT used as pilot sites The pilot led to a set of standards being identified for bench- marking management practises (across government, national and provincial) Subsequently Cabinet approved MPAT roll-out to all depts. in June 2011 103 depts. participated in 2011 assessment . In 2012, 2013 and 2014 all departments participated 96% DGs/HODs signed off 2014 self assessments which showed uptake of the tool The standards (covering strategic management, governance and accountability, HR management, Financial management) are reviewed and enhanced annually.
MPAT critical Success factors MPAT success depends on the collective and coordinated oversight by various role players, eg Within the executive (performance oversight/agreements by executing authorities with DGs, president and ministers, as well as Cabinet. Stronger collaboration between centre of government entities Parliament exercising its constitutional mandate
Main Findings of MPAT 2014 There has been continuous improvement in most standards from 2012 till 2014 Whilst strategic management scores are stable ( e.g. strategic, operational planning) i.e. there is compliance, the deployment of those plans into implementation remains a challenge This reflects inability to integrate plans, resources and operations Governance and accountability score shows improvement, however management does not seem to use the available tools to lead and manage Human resource management is central to service delivery yet it consistently records poor performance Whist there is compliance on financial management it does not yet yield desired outcomes and value for money There are persisting challenges in the following areas: Service Delivery Improvement Planning and implementation Finalisation of Disciplinary cases Payment of suppliers within 30 days
Ke ya leboga. Ke a leboha. Ke a leboga. Ngiyabonga. Ndiyabulela Ke ya leboga Ke a leboha Ke a leboga Ngiyabonga Ndiyabulela Ngiyathokoza Ngiyabonga Inkomu Ndi khou livhuha Dankie Thank you