8/29-30/17: English 10 1 Warm-Up 2 Agenda 3 Goal/ HW Finish character comparisons with winter partner Finish character comparisons Discuss comparisons Discuss Creative Project and Rubric Work on Creative Project Goal: SWBAT analyze the plot and characters of The Sun Is Also a Star through discussion and creativity. HW: Work on creative project if you need more time (we will work on it Friday but not for more than an hour)
Pick three of the following character comparisons to look at in further detail. Your comparisons should list at least five qualities that are similar or different. These comparisons should be explained, but can be in either a bulleted list or in a paragraph. This should be done with your winter partner. Daniel versus Natasha Samuel Kingsley versus Dae Hyun Bae Hannah Winters versus Natasha Jeremy Fitzgerald versus Daniel Charlie versus Daniel Irene versus Natasha
8/29/17: English 9 1 Journal Entry #4 2 Agenda 3 Goal/ HW What was your favorite part of Twilight, Los Angeles 1992? Why did that part interest you? Respond in at least five sentences. Journal #4 and Discussion Full Performance Video and Discussion Goal: SWBAT analyze the performance and perspectives in Twilight, Los Angeles 1992 through discussion and written responses.