Monday, 5/15/17 Per 04-06 Cult Exp Wednesday Per 07-08 POD – AP European History Debriefing, and preparing for the remaining days Survey – fill out, then Discuss survey, then hand in Cultural Experience & Project planning Cultural Experience: European food a. we’ll finish the brackets tomorrow b. on Cult Exper. Day, we’ll play the headband game UPCOMING DATES: May 17 or 18 – Cultural Experience Tue May 16 and Mon May 29 - NO SCHOOL Wed-Th May 17-18 and M-T May 22-23 - Keystone Days Mon-Tue June 12-13: FINAL EXAM days Per 04-06 Cult Exp Wednesday Per 07-08 Cult Exp Thursday
Tuesday, 5/16/17 Per 04-06 Cult Exp Wednesday Per 07-08 POD – AP European History Project planning Finish brackets Intro to project Pick groups UPCOMING DATES: May 17 or 18 – Cultural Experience Tue May 16 and Mon May 29 - NO SCHOOL Wed-Th May 17-18 and M-T May 22-23 - Keystone Days Mon-Tue June 12-13: FINAL EXAM days Per 04-06 Cult Exp Wednesday Per 07-08 Cult Exp Thursday
Wednesday, 5/16/17 Per 04-06 UPCOMING DATES: Mon May 29 - NO SCHOOL POD – AP European History Cultural Experience Fill out 3x5 card with your name and the name of the country Heat food and prep serving area in back of room Prepare the “hello my name is” badges for the headband game UPCOMING DATES: Mon May 29 - NO SCHOOL M-T May 22-23 - Keystone Days Mon-Tue June 12-13: FINAL EXAM days
Wednesday, 5/16/17 Per 07-08 UPCOMING DATES: Mon May 29 - NO SCHOOL POD – AP European History Start Africa movie: Hotel Rwanda Discuss background Start movie: to finish on the other Keystone Days UPCOMING DATES: Mon May 29 - NO SCHOOL M-T May 22-23 - Keystone Days Mon-Tue June 12-13: FINAL EXAM days
Thursday, 5/17/17 Per 04-05 UPCOMING DATES: Mon May 29 - NO SCHOOL POD – AP European History Start Africa movie: Hotel Rwanda Discuss background Start movie: to finish on the other Keystone Days UPCOMING DATES: Mon May 29 - NO SCHOOL M-T May 22-23 - Keystone Days Mon-Tue June 12-13: FINAL EXAM days
Thursday, 5/17/17 Per 07-08 UPCOMING DATES: Mon May 29 - NO SCHOOL POD – AP European History Cultural Experience Fill out 3x5 card with your name and the name of the country Heat food and prep serving area in back of room Prepare the “hello my name is” badges for the headband game UPCOMING DATES: Mon May 29 - NO SCHOOL M-T May 22-23 - Keystone Days Mon-Tue June 12-13: FINAL EXAM days
Friday, 5/18/17 POD – AP European History LMC Project prep – your only day in LMC Projects are on these days: Wed 5/24: Africa Thur 5/25: China UPCOMING DATES: Fri 5/26: Japan Mon May 29 - NO SCHOOL Mon 5/30: India M-T May 22-23 - Keystone Days Fri 6/2: Latin America Mon-Tue June 12-13: FINAL EXAM days Mon 5/5: Middle East Tue 5/6: Russia/Ukraine Wed 5/7: Australia/Canada