Welcome to the 2014 Summer Leadership Academy One Vision One Team One Greece
GCSD Leadership Academy Mission The Greece Leadership Academy seeks to provide a robust leadership development program customized to meet the needs of the district. This rigorous, experiential school leadership refinement program is designed to engage Greece leaders to be the change agents and transformative school leaders who measurably impact student achievement. One Vision ● One Team ● One Greece
One Vision ● One Team ● One Greece Purpose Provide detailed and specific training to support the Systems Design Toolkit work that was started in May 2014 Make connections to the Systems Design Toolkit training and the systems thinking (iceberg) work of summer 2013 Foster collegiality among new and existing leadership teams. One Vision ● One Team ● One Greece
One Vision ● One Team ● One Greece Design Thinking Design Thinking One Vision ● One Team ● One Greece
One Vision ● One Team ● One Greece Post Cards Team Building One Vision ● One Team ● One Greece
Systems Thinking – Revisiting the “Iceberg” One Vision One Team One Greece
One Vision ● One Team ● One Greece Purpose To promote a deeper understanding of a systems perspective To understand how to connect systems thinking back to the PELP To give participants a tool to use back at their schools To enhance participants ability to adapt protocols for a variety of situations The purpose of this session is… To promote a deeper understanding of a systems perspective To understand how to connect systems thinking back to the PELP To give participants a tool to use back at their schools To enhance participants ability to adapt protocols for a variety of situations One Vision ● One Team ● One Greece
Systems Thinking direct teach - review of key elements from last summer (15 minutes) - SHEILA?? Facilitator says, Why learn about systems thinking? The District’s Strategic Plan and the PELP Coherence Framework depend on a vision for change and partnership. We all face system level change in our daily work as leaders. Why is it useful to study systems? “It helps us anticipate the unintended consequences of our actions, find the leverage points for focusing our energy and resources, discover the underlying cause of our own and other’s behavior, and make better decisions”. (Tip of the Iceberg pg. 59) What do we mean by a system? A system is a perceived whole whose elements “hang together” because they continually affect each other over time and operate towards a common purpose. (Senge) The common purpose in GCSD is “to transform schools to meet the needs of the 21st Century learners.” What are the ways of a systems thinker? Systems thinking includes seeing the interrelationships among key components, i.e. the event or change, the patterns and trends that occurred, the systemic structures that contribute to the patterns, and the mental models that impact this event. It also includes ways decisions are made. Good results in a complex system depend on bringing in as many perspectives as possible.
Iceberg Model Applied to School-wide Dilemma Mini Lesson: Iceberg Construct (15 min) - ANITRA Apply student transportation to and from Holmes Road and Buckman Heights to the “iceberg” and connect with the increase in bus referrals written this school year as the event. Facilitator says, (looking at PowerPoint slide of triangle) Our school is a system. To use system thinking as an approach to analyze and think through a change, let’s use the iceberg to illustrate ways to think about this change and things that are below the water line-not necessarily apparent- including the ways it may be perceived and leverage points within the system. Let’s look at the increase in bus referrals written for Buckman Height's students as the change that took place at our school this year. This is the observable event. Here below the water line are patterns and trends. What’s been happening in our school? Have we seen this before? (share out excerpts from the interviews of students and transportation staff) The next level is that of systemic structures. What are the forces in place that contributed to these patterns? (share out excerpts from the interviews of students and transportation staff) At the base of the iceberg are mental models; the values, attitudes and beliefs that are at the core of how we see the world. What is it about our thinking that allowed these patterns to persist? (share out excerpts from the interviews of students and transportation staff) One Vision ● One Team ● One Greece
One Vision ● One Team ● One Greece Application Identify an instructional dilemma in your setting Use the graphic organizer and guiding questions to unpack your thinking Use a “loose” or “tight” approach – open conversation with a facilitator and recorder, or modified consultancy model (larger teams may split into smaller groups) One Vision ● One Team ● One Greece
Debrief: Applying a Systems Perspective to Your Own Work Guiding Questions: What are the implications of this activity for your school? How might this approach be applied to a change that has occurred in your school? Guiding Questions: What are the implications of this activity for your school? Your feeder pattern? The Greece system as a whole? How might this approach be applied to a change that has occurred in your school? One Vision ● One Team ● One Greece
Reflection One Vision One Team One Greece
2014 GCSD Leadership Academy Feedback Form Week 2 Day 2 surveymonkey.com/s/LAWK2D2 One Vision ● One Team ● One Greece