Action Plan Activities Hilary Cottage Surgery Patient Participation Group Terms of Reference Practice Manager Practice Patient Liaison Manager Practice Managers PPG Action Plan Activities Summarising Stephen’s input to link to final two slides ( written on flip chart at the meeting) Start by agreeing the terms of reference – shaped by inputs from the Practice and the PPG and agreed The Terms of Reference and the activities on which we embark in the action plan should be mutually informed and supportive. For us, with our developing action plan process, this led to a couple of refinements of the Terms of Reference. Again, this was a joint process with Practice and PPG. We have developed a strong partnership with our practice – fortunate to have both these managers working with us at out meetings and with strong liaison in between these. They are the conduit to ensure we consider GP, staff and patient perspectives, and vice versa; as we meet in the day, this ensures we do not divert GP time from patients.
..well informed of developments and best practices in GP service provision,.. 1 The PPG will represent the patient perspective, as required, to both the surgery (systems) and to any external body encourage & support information events across a range of health and wellbeing subjects… 2 5 maintain and develop ways in which the Practice gains the views of patients and carers… for evaluation work with the Practice to continually improve communication & access to provision So, having followed the process outlined, we had to collate the identified activities into a meaningful Action Plan that would be understood and workable for all. We identfied 5 fundamental areas for our work, likely to underpin future action plans and the activities All PPG members understand and refer to these; we know where our actions fit – also led us to develop a short tri-fold version for patients, and to give out at our meetings. 4 3
These is the 5 fundamentals as on the tri-fold Our work: Hilary Cottage Surgery Patient Participation Group These is the 5 fundamentals as on the tri-fold Our work: 1. For example, this attending these meetings is part of this area of work 2.Kidney Awareness completed, Diabetes this November; links to one of 10 high Impact Actions for GP Practices – Self care 3.Our Practice has successfully reduced DNAs ( again one of the 10 High Impact Actions); we have developed and are now using Friends of HCPPG to get info out to others, including elderly without IT access e.g .for Flu Clinics; partnership with practice staff led to guide to assist on-line re-ordering of prescriptions, that another practice now also uses; also provide information for local newsletters and the practice waiting room e.g. most recent on the work of the Social Prescriber ( 10 High Impact Action) 4.Through our coffee mornings, we became aware of difficulties with Boots the Chemists and prescriptions. Our Chair, John Read, and the Practice worked closely with Boots, as a results, not only has service improved but this branch of Boots has won a regional award for the service provided. 5. We not only represent the practice to others, but work alongside, in partnership as systems are developed in response to changing needs e.g. currently working on ‘Appointments’ as Stephen explained, with increased housing in the area.