No Warm-Up 5/12/17 Happy Friday! We have 10 school days left this year! You can choose your seat today; if you move the seats around, please put them back before class is over. Final Exam Schedules are posted in my room and on my website. We will be continuing our Eras of U.S. History Project today- this is the final day to work on this project. Notebook Check- pg.106-109 (Due Wednesday, 5/10/17; now 2 days late for those who weren’t absent Wednesday). Monday, May 15, 2017 is the last day to turn in your notebook for the notebook check. No exceptions will be made if you miss the deadline.
Eras Project Instructions If you misplace your rubric/instructions, the digital copy is located on my website. Your grades will reflect participation each day which will impact your major project grade- everyone needs to do their part. ***Make sure your presentation includes pictures and transitions.*** ***Also, I would like for your presentations to have a citation slide- you need to cite your sources, whether they’re online or from our notebooks.*** This project is due completed to my inbox by TODAY Friday, May 12, 2017 by 2:20 PM.