Prominence Eruption and Coronal Mass Ejection: A Statistical Study Using Microwave Observations Gopalswamy, N.; Shimojo,M.; Lu, W.; Yashiro, S.; Shibasaki,


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Presentation transcript:

Prominence Eruption and Coronal Mass Ejection: A Statistical Study Using Microwave Observations Gopalswamy, N.; Shimojo,M.; Lu, W.; Yashiro, S.; Shibasaki, K.; Howard, R. A. ApJ, 586, 562-578, 2003 太陽雑誌会 2003/4/28 殿岡 英顕

概要 下条氏のNoRH Prominence catalog と、八代氏 の LASCO CME catalog を合わせて、統計的 に解析したもの。

2.Data Selection Automatic detection of limb events at NoRH 17GHz, from 1996 January 1 to 2001 December 31. SOHO LASCO C2 and C3, corresponding to the prominence events. 186 events total (excluding SOHO major datagap)

3.1 Prominence trajectories Fig1: Typical prominence trajectories

Fig2. Time-height plot T for Transvers e, 34/186 R for Radial, 152/186

3.2 Prominence heights Fig3. Max height

3.3 Prominence velocities Fig4. Average speed

Fig5. Speed vs. Height

4. Relation between CMEs and PEs Table1: measured properties

Fig6. CME-Prominence relationship with association An eruptive prominence of 2000 Oct 22.

Fig7. CME-Prominence relationship without association An prominence erupton event of 2001 Aug 29 No discernible change on LASCO observations.

Table2: Statistical properties

Fig8. Height histograms 134/186 PEs were associated with CMEs, 34 no associated CMEs, 11 streamer change. CME+PE events: faster and larger heights

4.1 Source latitude Fig9. Latitude distribution PE distributions: 2 peaks events from almost all latitudes 3 from eqator CME distributions: One broad peak centered on the equator almost all latitudes

Fig10: Solar cycle variation CME and PE latitude vs Carrington rotation number CME and PE occur at all latitudes during solar maxima and close to equator during solar minimum.

4.2 Timing relationship Fig11: The difference between two onset time Onset times of PEs and CMEs are roughly the same within +/- 0.5hr.

4.3 Spatial relationship Fig12: Spatial relationship The latitude offsets of PEs and CMEs. More events with positive offsets The latitude of CMEs is closer to the equator than that of corresponding prominence. Positive offset before 2000.

4.4 Core association Fig13:An example of the prominence-CME association 2001 Dec 19-20 Radio+EIT195+ LASCO

Fig14: Speed distribution of CME, core and PE 98/134 (73%) had clear whitelight cores.

Fig15: Core speed vs PE speed Core speed is always greater than PE speed fast PEs associated with fast cores (?)

4.5 Streamer events Fig16: An example of streamer event 1998 June 1 PE 1.24 Rsun (initial) to 1.28 Rsun (final) streamer expanded 11/52 = 21% were associated

5. Discussions Munro et al. (1979):The prominences with large height have better association with CMEs. Gilbert et al. (2000): CME associations are different (They are larger). Hori & Culhane (2002): association with CMEs 92% vs 76%. The difference of selection criteira. Yang & Wang (2002): association rate 10 to 30%, 65% for Gopalswamy's check.

6. Summary and conclusions Radial (eruptive) and Transverse (active) events Radial events showed close relationship to the CMEs (83%). 73% of all the PEs were associated with CMEs. Onsets of PEs and CMEs were nearly simultaneous, within 30min. CPAs of CMEs and PEs generally did not coincide. CMEs – equator, PEs- AR belt for minimum, no such relationship for solar maximum.