Pipeline 60’s Surf Sound
Take this slowly First part is tremolo picking and just moving the index finger down the 6th string rapidly. Next comes the bass part. That part is doubled with the 2nd guitar.
Notice the box around the whole selection. That is not an extra string! This was done with Power Tab and to export a line that is what happens.
Bass Part. All 1/8th notes. Keep your 2nd finger on the 5th string 2nd fret. Use your 3rd finger on the 6th string 3rd fret when it comes up.
The 2nd guitar comes in now with the melody
Notice the change here. The song has moved up a 4th from E minor to A minor.
Look at the tremolo picking.
This closes up this first part of the song. It will then repeat.
This is an A minor chord broken up This is an A minor chord broken up. Much like what we had in Walk Don’t Run
Now a G chord broken up. Wow, who stole from who on this!
Now the F Chord Broken Up.
Now it goes back to the beginning Use your text to help put the whole thing together. It isn’t that hard but will take you some time as there are a number of parts. One person should play the chords to this. There are other parts that can be added in once the basic song is learned.