MRU: Metal Removal Units For additional information contact: Bernie – 0402 256 987 Ned- 0407 207 225 Or email: MRU: Metal Removal Units
Passive Treatment Systems for Mine Affected Water Passive treatment utilizes gravity , natural materials and natural chemical and biological processes to remediate water, polluted with acidity and metals . Passive treatment systems typically contain several treatment units which include: limestone beds , constructed wetlands and ponds containing limestone and/ or organic substrates. Properly designed and constructed passive systems reliably treat mine affected water to conditions that satisfy effluent permits and provide stream restoration benefits and or beneficial water reuse (i.e. Forestry, Agriculture etc.).
Oxidation Precipitation Neutralization The 3 drivers of any treatment system: Oxidation Precipitation Neutralization Compared to chemical alternatives, passive systems have less operation and maintenance requirements and the total – long term treatment costs are typically 50 – 75% lower. Passive systems commonly generate ecological and wildlife benefits and some systems produce clean metal solids that can be recovered and sold .
Introduction to MRUs These systems will also work for Agriculture where water, nutrients , Co2 and 02 are exchanged with the MRU to increase plant/ wetland growth . Metal Removal Units as the name implies remove metals by Biological oxidation and Precipitation . MRUs act as aerobic septic tanks to remove pollution from mine impacted waters . The microbial biofilm which naturally grows in the MRUs and does the work are self selecting . As the pollution load changes ( from the water getting cleaner ) so does the diversity and quantities of microscopic critters which produce the biofilm . So basically , you can remediate any natural pollutant and capture it in a tank or volatize ( de-gas ) it to the atmosphere . System Manifold (MRU)
Any process that lowers the upfront costs of water reclamation is a game changer . Water is ubiquitous . We need it for everything . Any technology that reduces the up front / operational and maintenance costs relating to reclaiming and cleaning water is a game changer along with reclaiming metals of value in the process . Currently in development precious metals and rare earth element captured through this process, which have the ability to provide a return on investment . In all cases it requires a very short residence time in comparison to other big constructed wetlands , less than a hour instead of days in some cases . As it turns out the faster you run it ( to a point ) the more efficient the system is in kilograms of pollution per dollar remediated . The MRUs act as a biological engine , supercharged by periodic and additions of fresh O2 . Which means it isn’t so much of a treatment wetland , as a complete treatment stream . Inside the Box (MRU) Ultra Concentrated Wetland Technology ( A wetland in a box ) Metal removal Ph 3 – 8 Fe , Al , As and Mn to TDMLS Precious metals and Rare Earths in development Scalable , Modular and Transportable Easy seasonal maintenance Semi Passive Biological process Backed by a team of experts inc. Mining Companies , Universities and Government agencies
Abstract from Potential Treatment Case Leachate volume 60,000 litres per day Leachate contaminants of main concern Cn 6.9 , Mn filtered 25.2 , As 1.06 , Iron Fe 2 / Fe 3 10.31 mg/l filtered 8.01 mg/l Prognosis Iron is holding up Mn oxidation The Cn will be removed by nitrifiers in the first MRU in the treatment train , followed by Fe then Mn and As together . In a properly scaled and sized system with simple seasonal maintenance, compliances would be met, by removing the contaminants of concern. The effluent water could by passed through the existing wetland for a occasional polishing. Flush Manifold (MRU)
Our Mission Sebenico and Enviro Remediation Services are very excited to be able to provide the mining industry a proven Bioremediation technology that provides an ecological and sustainable way of addressing mine impacted water, with the potential to get a return on investment . We look forward to a consultation where by we can be more explanatory on the system and how it works . Dumping a heap of heavy metals on any environment, whether it is an aquatic or land based environment, will lead to problems . The problem is already there, why not enhance rather then remove, give everything a chance of remediation. if you want something young to flourish you don’t poison it. We look forward to be given a chance to prove that these technologies, billion years in the making can be completed in under 1 hour. Enhancing nature at what she does best Confidentiality : We understands the legal and media implications associated with contaminated water . We maintain strict confidentiality in regard to you , your site and problem .