Lesson Log 6 Date: September 26 – 30, 2016 Day Course(s) Unit Objective Activity Mon. 2,4,7 US History 3 Sociology 5,6 Problems & Soln Progressive Era Culture & Social Structure P.O.W.E.R. Learning WB Ch. 7 Agrarian Movement, Populist Party, discuss life on the farm Ch. 3 Socialization & Self Finish Ch. 4 Taking Tests WB Ch. 7, read, notes, graphic organizer Read, Notes, PowerPoint TryIt #5 Tues. Social Gospel Movement, Muckrakers, The Jungle 3.2 “Language and Culture” Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis Ch. 5 “Reading and Remembering” Read, Notes, excerpt from The Jungle Read Notes, PowerPoint Journal, TryIt #2 Wed. Progressive Era Video, Lynching, NAACP, initiative, referendum, recall 3.3“Norms and Values” Attention Span, Write w/ Reading Notes, Graphic Organizer, Video clip Notes, Discussion, pp.82-83 TryIt #3 Thurs. Same Friday Teddy Roosevelt’s Square Deal 3.4-5 “Beliefs” and “Cultural Diversity” TSI Study Time/Reading Practice PowerPoint, Notes, Graphic Org. WB Ch. 7 PowerPoint, Notes, Vocab.