Do This Now… Sit in assigned groups Read the provided article and work together as a group to answer the provided questions Be prepared to discuss your answers as a class
How Should the Age of Discovery Be Remembered?
How should Columbus’s contributions to the Age of Discovery be remembered?
Review of Columbus Spain Envies Portugal: Want direct sea route to Asia Enter Christopher Columbus, 1492 Italian Promises Western Route to Asia Sets sail
Sighting Land After sailing across the Atlantic Ocean for 10 weeks land was sighted by a sailor named Rodrigo Bernajo.
On this voyage Columbus encountered the islands which became known as the West Indies, in the Caribbean Sea.
Columbus’s Arrival in the Americas Hispaniola Modern DR Modern Haiti Cuba Central America South America Four voyages total Depiction of Columbus arrival in Hispaniola
How should Columbus’s contributions to the Age of Discovery be remembered?
Becoming Experts In your groups, silently read the provided article Then, work together to answer each of the accompanying questions You will have 15 minutes
Documenting Expertise In your groups, work together to complete the provided graphic organizer: List the author List how the author impacts the info in the source List the most important details you have gathered from the source You will have 10 minutes
Sharing What You’ve Learned Form mixed groups Take turns sharing your notes with one another If you’re speaking, you’re attending to the needs of others If you’re listening, you’re recording key points You will have 15 minutes
Jigsaw Seminar Discussion Questions What are the best arguments for AND against the continued celebration of Christopher Columbus? How do the nature of the sources impact our understanding of Columbus’s actions? In other words, what is the relationship between an author and the credibility of his or her work? Based on the available evidence, do you still believe Columbus was really THAT bad?
Columbus’s Complicated Legacy: The pros: Encouraged exploration of Americas Held some sympathy toward natives The cons: Genocide of natives Exploitation of land Encouraged colonization
Reminders Complete self-evaluation