Ethical Hacking ‘Ethical hacking’ is the branch of computer science that involves cybersecurity and preventing cyberattacks. Ethical hackers are not malicious – they are actually hacking to help companies secure their network. Companies will hire ethical hackers to help them secure the network/computer systems, by understanding their current weaknesses.
Examples of Ethical Hacking Ethical hackers perform both behavioural (social engineering) and technical attacks on computer systems and networks. An ethical hacker may employ social engineering techniques like shoulder surfing to gain access to crucial information. An ethical hacker may also perform technical work such as examining software patches and penetration testing. Ethical hackers therefore help companies in improving their security by giving advice and recommendations on their current network security.
Video – Penetration Testing
“Pen Testing” / Penetration Testing Penetration testing (sometimes called pen test) is used by organisations to assess the security of their computer systems, networks and websites. During the test, a simulated attack takes place, specifically looking for vulnerabilities and exploits that might allow criminals access to the system. The important thing to understand is that penetration tests are authorised by the company. The aim is to identify weaknesses so that they can be fixed.
Specific Roles of the Pen Tester A pen tester will use a range of commercial analysis tools to help him locate vulnerabilities. These tools will search for common vulnerabilities (weak passwords, configuration problems, software that hasn’t been updated, etc.) and produce some kind of report. This report could be used to help fix security problem and grades companies on their current risk of a data breach.