Roles of District Community-Directed Intervention (CDI) Team Members


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Presentation transcript:

Roles of District Community-Directed Intervention (CDI) Team Members Module 13 Version 2

Learning objectives By the end of this module, learners will be able to: Describe district core CDI team members and their roles Explain the division of labor among various core CDI team members Define a program coordinator and a facilitator—who they are and what they do Describe components of a work plan and its development process

Subnational core CDI teams train district teams Subnational teams will step down or cascade the training of CDI training facilitators to district-level teams District teams may include people involved in: Malaria control Onchocerciasis (river blindness) control Maternal and child health Reproductive health Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) Procurement, logistics, supplies Health education and mobilization Other health interventions

Involve all district members previously trained on CDI The district CDI team is not limited to health divisions, but may include people with relevant skills from finance, agriculture, education, and community development, to name a few If someone attends training, follow up to ensure they continue to work with the CDI team

Division of work among district CDI team members Responsibility Suggested number of team members Comment Program coordination 1‒2 Malaria focal person and community-directed treatment with ivermectin (onchocerciasis) focal person, if available Behavior change communication (BCC), mobilization, work with civil society organizations (CSOs) 2 Include people outside the health department Procurement, logistics, supplies 1 — Facilitation 3‒4 Consider people who show good facilitation skills M&E, documentation

Program coordination tasks Maintain communication among all team members Lead work plan development Lead monthly review of work plan among team members Provide overall facilitation and supervision for CDI activities Liaise with: Government agencies (such as a local government service commission) and facilitators to ensure that trained facility staff are not frequently—and without restriction—transferred away from the local area where they were originally intended to work Other district-level teams promoting community and household key practices to ensure cohesion and leveraging of resources

Suggest additional program coordination tasks Facilitator: Ask learners for their suggestions. Ask them if they know what is happening in the picture. Program coordinators also liaises with the district council authority and core district health staff to advance program acceptance and demonstrate ownership.

BCC and mobilization tasks Obtain stocks of relevant BCC materials from the ministry of health and partners Disseminate materials to facilities and community health workers (CHWs) and orient them to proper use Conduct community meetings to: Introduce CDI Share minimum criteria for CHW selection Obtain community member support for the CHW Conduct CDI information sessions with CSOs and community leaders Recruit local CSOs to assist with education and advocacy efforts

Suggest other BCC and mobilization tasks Facilitator: Ask learners for their suggestions. Ask them if they know what is happening in the pictures (meeting with community leaders, organizing a drama). Other tasks for BCC and mobilization include ensuring that CHWs report back to the community and inform the community about the availability of commodities. Village drama Meeting the village head

Procurement, logistics, and supplies tasks Forecast and order adequate medicines and supplies to meet CDI needs Work with primary health care (PHC) facilities to refine their forecasting, including their estimation of community needs Help PHC facilities set up adequate and safe storage for all CDI medicines and supplies Guide PHC facilities in the logistics management and information system, including the needs for the CHWs they supervise

Procurement, logistics, and supplies tasks, cont. Work with CDI focal persons to provide supportive supervision and ensure that CHWs store medicines properly and appropriately

Suggest additional procurement, logistics, and supplies tasks Facilitator: Ask learners what is happening here. This is an example of a poorly organized storeroom in the medical clinic. Ask learners what problems this could cause. Ask learners to suggest other procurement tasks (e.g., estimating needs, distributing supplies to CHWs).

Facilitation tasks Develop a training plan for PHC facility staff and facilitate training Develop, with the PHC facility CDI focal person, a training plan for CHWs Review CDI curricula to ensure local relevance and adaptation, as needed Arrange training venues and adequate logistics Keep records of all training activities and learners Facilitate/supervise CHW training by PHC facility staff Participate in supportive supervision

Suggest additional facilitation tasks Facilitator: Ask learners to suggest additional tasks for the district CDI facilitator. Ask them if they know what is happening in the picture. The district CDI facilitator also provides mentorship for trained facility staff and for CHWs.

Tasks for M&E and documentation Ensure that district recording and reporting forms capture all CDI activities and services Orient PHC facility staff and CHWs to the correct use of forms and the need for accurate and timely reporting Supervise data collection at the community and PHC facility levels, and ensure that data are forwarded to the next level Ensure that CHW data are included in PHC facility summary forms Document all CDI activities (using reports, photos, etc.), including success stories and challenges

Suggest additional M&E and documentation tasks Facilitator: Ask learners for their suggestions. Ask them if they know what is happening in the picture. Additional tasks for M&E include ensuring that when data and feedback are collected from local sites and analyzed, the findings are sent back to the local sites so they can apply the findings to improve services.

First district CDI team task: Develop a work plan Activities, steps Dates from … to Responsible persons or groups Resources Indicators of success 1. Train facility staff as CDI focal persons 2. Help CDI focal persons mobilize communities 3. Obtain needed medicines 4. Help CDI focal persons train CHWs Instructions: Brainstorm a list of key activities needed to implement CDI in the district Divide into district groupings Produce draft work plan Share with other teams Use feedback to improve on plan Revise plan again at home facility Conduct this planning exercise as a practical component of the training

Summary activity Who should be members of the district CDI team? What are the different roles for team members to perform? For each role mentioned, what are examples of tasks for the people in those roles? What are the components of our district work plans? Facilitator: Learners can wrap up the session by presenting their sample work plans

Thank you! Any questions or comments?