Aurora Composite Squadron 13 Mar 2018
Aurora Composite Squadron Core Values Integrity: …more than simple honesty. It embraces other attributes such as courage, responsibility, accountability, justice, openness, self-respect, and humility. … CAP members must practice the highest standards of self-discipline. Volunteer Service: …reflects the very essence of the organization—service to humanity. …this core value implies a commitment on the part of all CAP members to place the organization’s purposes first and foremost. Excellence: …to be the very best, and to consistently improve its humanitarian service to America. Respect: …treat each other with fairness and dignity, and work together as a team.
Aurora Composite Squadron Agenda Introductions Visitors New Members Expiring Memberships Organizational Items Senior Activities Model Airplane Emergency Services ???? Round Table
Aurora Composite Squadron Introductions Visitors New Members
Aurora Composite Squadron Expiring Memberships Cadet Within 30 days of expiration Proffitt, Zachary Heyns, Ischen Within 60 days of expiration Price, Zach Magsarili, Elijah Within 90 days of expiration Heyns, Conrad Humble, Keelin Seniors Within 30 days of expiration Taylor, Christopher Bates, Jodi Jellison, Nora Within 60 days of expiration Kyle, Theodore Within 90 days of expiration Rosenberg, Dana Rosenberg, Ira Magsarili, Generosa
Aurora Composite Squadron Deputy Commander for Cadets Lt Col J Boyd Aerospace Education Officer Col T Kyle Testing Officer, Character Development Instructor, Leadership Officer Maj C Knox Activities Officer 2d Lt J L Bates Deputy Commander for Seniors, Personnel Officer, PAO Lt Col I Rosenberg Professional Development Officer Lt Col D Richards Transportation Officer 1st Lt P Mann Emergency Services Officer, Health Services Officer 2d Lt C M Verkest Communications Officer 2d Lt H D Bates Aerospace Education Officer S/M G W Bales Supply Officer Lt Col J Boyd Squadron Commander Capt Marc Minato Cadet Commander C/LtCol Proffitt Safety Officer Capt D Rosenberg Drug Demand Officer 1st Lt P Proffitt Administrative Officer 1st Lt P Proffitt Finance Officer 2d Lt H A Miller
Aurora Composite Squadron Discussion Senior Activities Emergency Services Cadet SAREX ????
Aurora Composite Squadron Round Table