CIITS Institute: Data Analysis for Teachers Copyright © 2012 Schoolnet, Inc. All rights reserved.
Classrooms is a module of Schoolnet that: What is Classrooms? Classrooms is a module of Schoolnet that: Provides teachers with standards-based instructional tools, lessons and best practices Delivers class and student level data to the teacher’s desktop Provides teachers the information they need anytime and anywhere 24/7 Highlight the focus of today – reporting on classroom assessments Because it is web based, you can use Classrooms anywhere you have internet access. 2
Place students in definable groups for differentiated planning Student Groups Place students in definable groups for differentiated planning Visible only to group creator Use as a filter in the spreadsheet
Try It Out: Student Groups Questions for Understanding What are some reasons you might want to create a Student Group? Can anyone else tell how you have grouped students? Practice Create a Student Group from the Student List tab.